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Do you consider yourselves attractive?

Including you.xD
Lately I have felt more handsome :D
IDK. It's hard not to let their preferences bother me. & How you could ever think otherwise is beyond me, Darrell.
Well it all started in elementary school when all the girls would say I had Cooties. Now I'm older and Cootie-free, but the sting still remains. :(
That sucks. I had different problems when I was in elementary school. I talked too much, and nobody could follow my conversations because nobody else read National Geographic magazines. Not even the teachers had subscriptions to NG, which made me feel SOOO ostracized. And I had a crush back then who's become a failure and pretty boy now. :( Elementary school was tough man, even if I never did my homework.
Yeah, my teacher was the one who started the rumor. Man she was awful. I kinda know how you feel, I was valedictorian in highschool, but refused to accept because one of my friends had been studying her whole life to get valedictorian. Everyone called me a geek even though I was a highschool all-american in football. I prefer geek to jock anyway though :D
... you read national geographic too? O.O *high five* & I... didn't have boy problems. All my friends were boys because it impressed them that I could pick up a salamander and not scream my lungs out. :p But I had girl problems. Girls were MEAN back then. & You were valedictorian? Seriously? <3 Our Valedictorian scored perfect on the SATS. -_-
LOL Yay for Nat Geo ^_^ And yeah, the girls were the worst. I was raised differently from them. And look at them now. Those girls who were so mean to me have very different values than I do. They all SUCK. None of them have even TAKEN the SATs. I was "that girl" too, the one who could hang with the boys... but not the salamander-touching boys. I was the Yu-gi-Oh TCG fan-artist! xD Back when Yu Gi Oh and Pokemon card trading were the shiznit... And wow, I wish I could score perfectly on the SATs. I find it highly likely that if I study, I can achieve a 2300/2400 nowadays. the first time I took it I got 1980 because I didn't study squat... xD but it got me letters from Ivy Leagues! (I would never want to go to them anyway. I wanna stay in the state.)
I didn't get a perfect score, I think I got a 2360 or something? I don't remember exactly, its been years. I do know I had the best score in my school.
No, 2290, 2260 Ugh I don't remember.
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