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Do you consider yourselves attractive?

well our valedictorian was kind of a genius. literally. he started highschool at age 9 or something like that. He stayed long enough to take every important class in the school and then decided to graduate with us. ._. & Yeah, I'm horrific in math... so... *feels stupid*
Math is my weakness now. Algebra is hard to remember, but I Excel at science. My TV stays on science channel, discovery or history Nat geo etc. I never studied in highschool that's why I felt so bad that I beat out my friend.
I'm horrific in math as well... I'm only on the 66th national percentile compared with other juniors. :( And also, you shouldn't feel stupid. As long as you can think critically in most things, you shouldn't have to prove yourself for math. I have lots of friends who have ambitions to become astronomers, or quantum physicists, or they just REALLY LOVE MATH and understand it better than me, but THEY CAN'T EVEN SPELL THEIR OWN NAMES. That's where I come in, with my superior agility with the English language and conventions and such(that I sometimes ignore)! You just gotta find what you're good at and SHOVE IT IN EVERYONE'S FACE.
Eh, I'm mediocre in pretty much everything. :p Even my own hobbies. English being my stronger suit (considering I'm majoring in it). And you're a junior? I graduated at seventeen. ._. I'd be done with the four years of college now if it wasn't for inconvenient life setbacks. So now I'm just older than everyone. It's fantastic. Really. *Hangs out with her professors*
I actually wanted to be an astronomer, I've always been obsessed with stars, and interestingly enough, I've recently become really interested in quantum physics and string theory. :)
Aug 01, 12 at 10:07am
I like video games. :B
I like video games so much that my major is game design :D
I find myself as attractive as the day is long! Okay, maybe not that hot, but i've been pretty confident in my physical appearance since I was a young teen. I always got a lot of compliments about my eyes, smile, and arms/chest. I lost some of my physique over the years I spent in college (I saved up on my own and didn't get to college until I was 25) due to sitting on my bum studying and writing essays/term papers/doing research/etc., but i'm rapidly returning to form. I think that simply bringing a happy and confident vibe around with you is attractive to people. I know what you mean, Darrell. I am fascinated by quantum physics and string theory myself and I loved the astronomy class that I took. It was only to satisfy an extra math/science requirement, but if it had been available as its own major at my school then I would have gone for it.
Do I feel attractive? Eh, I'm almost there. I've lost 20 pounds in the past month and a half, and after another 20 pounds, I'll have a very decent body. Funny how losing weight for the sake of being healthy and quite charming couldn't get me to lose a pound, but the thought of cosplaying someone quite skinny gets me to trim up like my life depends on it. That being said, I find a good personality far more attractive than a pretty face (although it wouldn't hurt to have both). I'm always working on having a top-notch confidence level (within reason), and I'm known for being kind, understanding, and always there when needed. As a close friend once told me, although I'm not the most talkative, I have an acute sense of understanding what is going on. Usually it just gets me put in the position of referee when people I know get pissed off at each other, or friend-zoned whenever I actually tried to get a girlfriend. While that isn't the biggest confidence booster, I know I'm awesome and won't sell myself short when it comes to relationships.
well i am always getting insulted for being ugly so i dont feel like i am attractive.... haha but everyone who thinks they arent attractive u are B-E-A-UTIFUL in ur own way :)
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