what do u guys love about japan . wat makes this country so special

n3ko @neko
what do u guys love about japan . wat makes this country so special
n3ko @neko
me i really love japan cuz it looks for me like a cartoon world . the language is so cute when u heard it . their culture are so woow with their kimono etc. And the most thing i like is their fashion style with cosplay , sweet and gothic lolita etc. theres also manga & anime . it's like a whole human anime version 0: theres any country who looks like japan and that make it special for me <3

Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
commented on
what do u guys love about japan . wat makes this country so special
Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
Looking at it romantically, Japan is this magical and captivating land that dreams are made of. For a country that suffered an apocalyptic nuclear war, it has become one of the most beautiful and powerful places on earth. There isn't enough people in the world to describe why Japan is so special.

Kyetge! @kyetge
commented on
what do u guys love about japan . wat makes this country so special
Kyetge! @kyetge
There is definitely a mystical aspect to Japan, especially noticeable in the mountains and other natural habitats that have been unchanged by the urban sprawl and development. The culture - some may not like its homogeneous ideology, but that is what made the country so successful with such demographics and space.
Their ancient mythology is kickass.
But n3ko, not everything is beautiful about Japan. They were allied with Hitler in WWII, and screwed over China and Korea. And freaking Hawaii. >:O
However, on a positive note, Japanese cuisine is GREAT! Especially because things from the sea are generally known to have concentrations of cool stuff, like iodide in kelp and tetradoxin in fugu if you don't cut it right but might be useful if you wanna poison someone.

SolarFlareKC @solarflarekc
commented on
what do u guys love about japan . wat makes this country so special
SolarFlareKC @solarflarekc
The women!

The_Geeky_Panda @the_geeky_panda
commented on
what do u guys love about japan . wat makes this country so special
The_Geeky_Panda @the_geeky_panda
What alot of Otaku's and fans don't realize that Japan really did do alot of bad things to themselves, China, Korea, Philippines, etc before and during the War.
But it is the only country that has survived being nuked twice and had economic boost to make it a powerful country on its own right with a solid economy and military defensive force.
But recent natural disasters has had make things very difficult for them but they are still soldiering on to make the country better.

k3nsh1n4life @k3nsh1n4life
commented on
what do u guys love about japan . wat makes this country so special
k3nsh1n4life @k3nsh1n4life
I was on the USS Ronald Reagan on our way to South Korea when the earthquake hit last year. Since we were already in the area, we we're tasked with some of the disaster relief going on at the time. We hit port in the southern region where the effects of the earthquake weren't as heavily felt and was able to see for myself that Japan was a country that I truly thought was awesome. They take great care of their environment, they are polite, helpful, and humble at their stores, and there are vending machines EVERYWHERE. lol. I was already predisposed to the loving anime/manga/J-culture before arriving there as i believe many of us here are, so i tried to avoid talking about Japan in that fashion. but being able to completely submerge myself in anime while i was in Japan was definitely something i loved about that place. it was like being at a convention 24/7 haha

SolarFlareKC @solarflarekc
commented on
what do u guys love about japan . wat makes this country so special
SolarFlareKC @solarflarekc
Sorry guys not trying to start arguments but I have to call out on a few things here. Geeky Panda it is good to see that you know that Japan has it's flaws but you might want to change what you said, that statement about surviving nukes shows that you already have bias towards Japan before the fact. Saying "it is the only country that has survived being nuked twice" implies that other countries have been nuked and that they did not survive when Japan is the only county to be nuked and there is no one to compare their experience with. Also who it to say other counties couldn't survive if it got nuked twice? I am pretty sure if U.S.A. was nuked twice we would survive and that goes for most countries.
And K3nsh1n4life you claim that Japanese are environment friendly, did you know that Japan is still one of the leading Dolphin and Whale hunting countries? what does that say about their care for the environment? Their polite, helpful, and humble at the stores you say? You must of had a far better experience there then I did cause there were 7 times when they tried to over charge me for an item because of "foreigner tax" and 3 times when I was completely ignored after getting a workers attention. Japan also has a huge number of accounts of racism, lets not forget that great video on youtube of the parade of Japanese people shouting "WHITE PIGS GO HOME". In fact the only authentically nice people I met in Japan was the manager of the hostel I stayed at, one of the girls who worked there (we would spend hours a couple of times a week talking about how much we wish we were in Thailand instead), and a 40 year old ex biker gang member who would go hang around Tokyo at night with me. Also don't forget that Japan has a good size bullying rate and still one of the biggest suicide rates in the world.
Japan is no better then any other country, there are great people but there are also assholes.

k3nsh1n4life @k3nsh1n4life
commented on
what do u guys love about japan . wat makes this country so special
k3nsh1n4life @k3nsh1n4life
Well seeing as how I was part of the relief effort, they might have been a bit nicer to us than usual maybe? Even assholes can show gratitude if what you're saying is true. And as far as dolphin and whale hunting goes, is that run by the private sector or the government sector?

gentlemanrdp @gentlemanrdp
commented on
what do u guys love about japan . wat makes this country so special
gentlemanrdp @gentlemanrdp
Well, I find it fascinating. It's different from my own culture, and that's why I find it alluring, but I also study other countries than just Japan (It is the one that I study most though) But I was also raised around Asian culture - it was a key part of my childhood experience even though I didn't meet many Asians as a kid. My father grew bonsai, my sisters and my father were in martial arts for years, and we constantly watched old subbed Jackie Chan movies. I grew up in the perfect environment for a thriving otaku xD

Inuka23 @inuka23
commented on
what do u guys love about japan . wat makes this country so special
Inuka23 @inuka23
i just think everything about it is beautiful and wonderful
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