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Tiger Festival @animeboy
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Tiger Festival @animeboy
Hello there. I've seen you around the forums and you seem like a very nice person. I hope we can get along.

crow290 @crow290
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crow290 @crow290
hello ^^

crow290 @crow290
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crow290 @crow290
hello ^^
How reliable and trusting is your police?

Inuka23 @inuka23
commented on
How reliable and trusting is your police?
Inuka23 @inuka23
well, that sucks for an option. but nothing can be much done i guese. cant stand it when they either dont do the job right or abuse it -_-
How reliable and trusting is your police?

Inuka23 @inuka23
commented on
How reliable and trusting is your police?
Inuka23 @inuka23
yes, be a hero!!