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Transgender, Turn off?

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I've been looking through this entire thread and I think everyone doesn't really understand what transgender is. If you are fully transgender its almost impossible to tell he/she apart from the gender they currently are. Example being my Cousin Aimee who used to be my cousin Albert. She went through Hormone therapy and had a sex change if you were to meet her you wouldn't know she was ever a man. The hormones change your body drastically so if you did have a deep male voice, you will more likely sound feminine after the Hormone therapy. - There is also the term transitioning which is what most people are going through the process of. These people are currently still their birth gender but in the process of developing themselves to be the opposite gender. Out of fear some may hide their birth gender until they feel comfortable with someone. It takes a lot of courage for someone to tell you their original gender so please do not take it out of hand. Transitioning people do still have their original gender so I think that's what most people in this topic are discussing. Both the term Transgender and Transitioning are very different. - This is coming from someone who stood by a transgenders side to help coop with the process. And for those of you calling Transgender, "Trannys", "Cross-Dressers", or "Traps" all of these words are extremely offensive and completely transphobic. And for those saying it would be sexy to date one, Transgender isn't a kink thing. They are people just like anyone else and should be respected. Also when the word Transgender is thrown around it isn't just about guys that turn to girls its also a term for girls who turn into guys. So this shouldn't really be a problem with anyone. Its just that people are too insecure with their own sexuality to realize that these people are officially now the gender they changed themselves into.
To me, it's not necessarily a turn-off, but I think it would be something I'd have to get used to over time. In the end, it's personality that matters, nothing else.
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Sep 07, 15 at 12:17am
Oh yeah, major major turn off.
Yes Turn on <3 , because im Pansexual ^w^
I dated a transgender girl before and I honestly absolutely loved it, she was one of the few girls I ever dated that was truly genuine, so I would say turn on, which really doesn't seem to be the norm here xD
Turn off
Mar 19, 16 at 7:27pm
if she wasnt tall and buff and sounded like a man
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