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Transgender, Turn off?

Horror i fully support you if you make the change, as for the talk of people being mentally ill for wanting to be a different gender, how would you feel if that were you? Lets say you were so called "mentally ill" and people were to say harsh things to you it wouldn't feel good at all
http://76931d.medialib.glogster.com/kimmy123y/avatars/1378947841/medium-kimmy123y.gif panda kun <3 that means so much snif*
Aug 22, 15 at 11:44am
Dragna:I'm noticing a tread of people who say they "accept and support" transexuals but they just wouldn't date one. You guys can't have your cake and eat it too. You can't support transexuals but at the same time not date then because they are transexual. Yes, lol, people can. Supporting them has nothing to do with attraction or love interest. I didn't support gay rights because I wanted to bone all my gay friends. I did it because I felt them having those rights was the "right thing". With this argument I could say the relationships with your alleged bisexual girls should in turn make you supportive of gay rights.
Aug 22, 15 at 12:02pm
No way in hell, but I don't know what future me would do.
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Well I guess I need to go out and hump a tranny by that argument. Because I'm fine by their choice to change, lol.
Aug 22, 15 at 8:58pm
Turn on. hehehe. ^.^
Luls ragna gtfo xD
waffleking is it turn of for you or you never said your veiws
Thought I made my self clear on page 5 or something xD I completely support such a choice, I see nothing wrong with the person changing their sex, it just shows they know who they should be rather than them feeling like outcasts and I would definately go to their defense if people end up being asshats about the subject. I would definately date someone who has changed their gender should it arised if I wasn't currently investing my time into someone, but should such a thing happen I would like to know about something like that going into a relationship, the less you know about someone makes it easier to insult or offend them in some way.
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