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Wish me luck =^.^=

Alright, so it's been nearly a month since Lexie and I broke up, and for the first few days I was in a trench as deep as the Atlantic. I wouldn't necessarily say I'm joyful right now but I'm working on that c: Anyways, I've made a grown-up decision and I'm going to go work in Texas for construction. I'll be there a few months and during my time there, I will improve upon myself to get rid of my severe depression and anxiety. Not only that, but I will make myself into the best man I can be. Lexie, I hope you get to see this one day. I don't hope that you'll take me back, because hope alone won't do anything. I am dedicated to have you at my side again, my love. I don't want to be just your friend either, I want all of you, just like you have all of me. I love you, Kouhai *eskimo kiss* Wish me luck guys! =^_^=
http://s2.quickmeme.com/img/45/45439cd6d55d18f83d442376405d61d076fd70bcef2f56b231e8ec853324fdab.jpg best man of the year award goes to you...i wish you the best of luck dude. your over here trying to do better i hope it works out
Thank you very much panda-kun! I'm determined to get better and be with Alexia again =^_^=
Jul 30, 15 at 3:59am
But, is she?
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Jul 30, 15 at 11:11am
Go for it. Good luck soldier! http://pa1.narvii.com/5793/f987657d0f75aa89b15437e1d8a7273fc21d1c0a_hq.gif
Faggot? I'm sure you could have picked a better insult, man, lol. So what if no one cares? The point of the post was just to show people that if you really love someone, that you'll never stop loving them. Kind of like how a mother's love works, if you want to compare it to something. And lastly, yeah, I know she may not want to give the relationship another try. Does that make uneasy, fucking terrifies me if anything. Look, when you're on your deathbed, the only thing you really have are the experiences that came with life. The only thing in life you regret are the risks you didn't take, so if I see something that can bring me happiness, I'll reach for it with both hands, and to hell with the consequences. Of course, I haven't been talking to her either, so I'm not all over her, pressuring her into things and all. People need space you know, lol.
I wouldn't necessarily consider myself a soldier but thank you regardless! =^.^=
Jul 30, 15 at 2:19pm
Just weigh out the pros and cons, desperation is a nasty thing. I've been in love before and I've had the same feeling of wanting to make it work again. But, it ended for a reason. You need to really look into why it ended and if that's even repairable.By the way, a mother's love is not the same thing as romantic love. You say to hell with the consequences now, but just wait, you may eat those words. I only give a word of warning, you're very young and quite naive. Ya never know, it may very well work out. Best of luck at either rate.
Jul 30, 15 at 6:13pm
Not sure if that's intended for me since you post the "faggot" thing after me each time....meh...don't care. Trust me, im getting more pussy than you currently, so I don't care...Besides, I'm getting a sundae and ain't nobody gonna rain on my parade.:)
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