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Wish me luck =^.^=

Jul 30, 15 at 6:23pm
Meh... My statement still stands.
nobody really gets offended by being called a faggot these days, i dont expect people to care much about it
your need to state that you get more pussy than me says that you do care though ;)
Jul 30, 15 at 6:48pm
Your need to infer that I care implies that you care if I care.... Only on a mild ego type level.
im not the one denying that i care, friend, i wouldnt not have posted at all here if i did not want to cause some sort of reaction, did i expect much? no, did i want a reaction? yes, you have given me such
Jul 30, 15 at 7:20pm
You're welcome.:)
It's a bust
Aug 31, 15 at 9:31pm
Kudos for wanting to improve yourself man, but in all honesty, doing this in the outside hopes your ex-gf will get back with you is really not the best motivation for doing so. Break-ups can be much deeper seeded than just some external things you can control. You could come back in six months completely jacked from working out, have a six figure income, and maybe be more socially and emotionally mature, but that's no guarantee a girl (especially an ex) is going to get back with you. There maybe facets of your personality and other things you do that you can't easily control that turned her off from your relationship, and sometimes, people will break up because they have no interest in being with you regardless of what you change about yourself, even if it's for the better. Again, kudos for wanting to be proactive on changing things about yourself for the positive. Just be prepared for the very likely scenario you may never get back with your ex regardless of what you do to change yourself.
I just wanted to get better man
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