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Hello I'm new to this site so I'm not sure if it's good or not but my name is Anna and I've come here on reference of Otakon. I am an otaku but my true nerdom is fantasy and history and anything that blends the two perfectly. If you want to get to know me more just shoot a message. I promise I won't bite
Jul 27, 15 at 9:53pm
Welcome to the site http://33.media.tumblr.com/8e912c1c46caa510351dbe4229cc1f72/tumblr_nckx7mIoR61qcsnnso1_500.gif Glad to have you here with us, hope you enjoy your stay and have fun here
Jul 28, 15 at 12:12am
Oh no, please. Do bite. Im told im quite delicious. That joke aside welcome
>fantasy and history and anything that blends the two perfectly I'm guessing you probably love high fantasy stuff with extensive world building then? :)
hai @haikadee commented on hi
Jul 28, 15 at 6:44am
^ was wondering the same or perhaps she likes dark fantasy or just fantasy undertones. Anyway, hello Anna, Welcome, hope you enjoy it here! As otaku, fan of fantasy and history, what is your top 5 anime& game list? I don't know if "Arslan Senki" counts as fantasy but i'm really diggin' it right now. hope to see you around!
Manga_bird @manga_bird commented on hi
Jul 29, 15 at 3:24pm
Please, enjoy your stay ^ ^ http://i.imgur.com/FSZzK8u.jpg
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