E3 2015 {your thoughts}

Aka-san @redhawk
E3 2015 {your thoughts}
Aka-san @redhawk
so now that E3 is almost over, what are your thoughts and reactions to the different showcases
Returning franchises you are glad to see return?
Any new games you are interested in seeing?
Are you happy with what you saw?
were there some games you were hoping to see, but didn't show up?
make a list of the games you are excited for [in order if you wish]
share your thoughts and reactions below
[keep it clean as well, no fighting ^^]

kaneki_ken @kaneki_ken
commented on
E3 2015 {your thoughts}
kaneki_ken @kaneki_ken
Ok loved all of E3 well done to sony and Microsoft but come on i think the best we had seen was from bethesda XD but anyway it was amazing a lot of games are gonna take turns raping the crap out of my wallet my game list will be
Until dawn
Fallout 4
Star wars battlefront
Batman arkham knight
No man's sky
Thats it from me loving E3 cant wait to see even more
Ghost recon wild lands
For Honor
Rainbow six siege

InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
commented on
E3 2015 {your thoughts}
InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
Doom, Doom, Doom, Doom, Doom, Doom, Doom, Doom, Doom and Doom.
And all the other cool stuff.
Did I mention Doom?

Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
commented on
E3 2015 {your thoughts}
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
Doooooooom omg they better not f this game up lmao cause the old doom was epic im sorry i have it on my origin account along with mirrors edge which i cant wait for the sequel to come out in feb
And batman i just have to get i have been following the series since arkham asylum came out

suna @suna
commented on
E3 2015 {your thoughts}
suna @suna
I heard that the compatible function of xbox360 was added to XBOXone.
If this is true, I'd like to replace it.^^

Sultry @ep1k1y
commented on
E3 2015 {your thoughts}
Sultry @ep1k1y
Ff7 remake! Kh3! Need to buy a ps4 now :(
Unless they make both for PC

Aka-san @redhawk
commented on
E3 2015 {your thoughts}
Aka-san @redhawk
@Suna yes Backwards Compatibility was announced for Xbox one

PixelBard @ez2oo2
commented on
E3 2015 {your thoughts}
PixelBard @ez2oo2
I think it's been a pretty solid E3 so far. Microsoft has been doing a good stepping up their game after starting off with a whole lotta feet in their mouths. The "backwards compatibility" was a pretty sweet announcement as well as the elite controller and some of their upcoming exclusives, like Cuphead. Sony has some awesome looking games coming our way, sadly nothing for quite some time. Horizon looked neat and Uncharted 4 is always a welcome treat. Was super happy to see The Last Guardian come out of hibernation and of course I shed more than a couple tears when they announced the FF7 remake. Plus the Shenmue 3 kickstarter was a nice touch. But I hate to say this, Nintendo dropped the ball big time. Their direct video was just awkward and completely lacking. A bunch of stuff we already knew was coming and a couple things that nobody seemed to really want. I was blown away by their direct last year, and walked away saying that I wanted every single thing they showed. This year, not so much. But yeah, so far so good!

n a e r i @naeri
commented on
E3 2015 {your thoughts}
n a e r i @naeri
Sony dominated E3. So excited for uncharted and star wars battle front and ive already bought fallout :D AND OMG THE SHENMUE KICKSTARTER

cabbage @donnierye
commented on
E3 2015 {your thoughts}
cabbage @donnierye
I only care about Street Fighter V
but I did think Ubisoft's For Honor looked pretty fun.
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