Live the life you always dreamed of
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
Live the life you always dreamed of
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
If you could choose to live any life you wanted, what would it be?
For example: you wanted to be handsome or rich, have a harem, marry your favorite waifu, live in a certain anime or even just you being yourself but with a dream job. It can be anything you want to put
Veru @verucassault
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Live the life you always dreamed of
Veru @verucassault
I'm going to go with riches. All I really want in life is to travel the world. It would be nice to have a companion for that or companions. I think if I had money I would own galleries, broker art. I was always better at talking about and critiquing art than doing it.
DarkuSchneider @darkschneider
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Live the life you always dreamed of
DarkuSchneider @darkschneider
Life in an advanced space-faring mecha using civilization. Of course I would be a bad ass pilot. As for what reality has to offer I want some of my invention/app endeavors to make me a lot of money then world tour time.
Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
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Live the life you always dreamed of
Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
Instead of being a halfbreed vampire... I'll be FULL VAMPIRE!
Okay seriously though, I guess a life where my gf lived closer, and we met sooner. So I could help her out more and meet her sooner hahahaha. Hmmmm, other than that, wouldn't mind the timezone of doing stuff is shifted to sleeping in the morning and day is normal and waking up at night is hahahaha. Wouldn't have such problems making a sched doing that hahahaha. So yeah, that and just be married to my gf in the future. My job would be.. hmm something I could help others with, like Politician, or Military(though not allowed to do that one anymore), maybe firefighter, or police. But Politician seems like the one I could make the most difference so that hahaha. There are a few more personal matters, But I rather not discuss them hahahaha.
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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Live the life you always dreamed of
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
My turn >:3
I want a yandere gf who will take care of my baby pandas (pet pandas obviously) wanna travel and shiz snow board and do the wingsuit thingy annnnnnnd i wanna be in a survival game like mirai nikki :3
Arc @arc
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Live the life you always dreamed of
Arc @arc
I want to be in a world where demons are spilling out to start the apocalypse and all I have to fight Lucifer and his minions is a sword forged in hell, called to me by my wrath. I want to be bathed in a sea of demonic blood I leave in my wake and stand as the last pillar of human salvation in the face of total annihilation.
Veru @verucassault
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Live the life you always dreamed of
Veru @verucassault
paatback @paatback
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Live the life you always dreamed of
paatback @paatback
I would live in an apartment, with a coffee maker X). its been my dream since 5th grade
Arc @arc
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Live the life you always dreamed of
Arc @arc
@verucassault LOL
trahecreations @trahecreations
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Live the life you always dreamed of
trahecreations @trahecreations
wow, I would be a famous writer, actor, or something of the sort. Have fun doing creative stuff everyday and be loved. Get fan mail everyday half of which has delicious food so I never have to go food shopping. And I would live in a huge house with trap doors and secret passages and have a huge plot of land which I would have several different things on to better society.
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