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words and phrases you say a lot

I know this sounds weird, but I thought of this when closing the door as I have told another person that "I can't hear you though a door." for like the 1000th time just this year alone. I wonder what phrases, words, and such do you all say a lot. It could be weird things, normal things, or sly remarks. Whatever you say a lot more than normal.
I usually hn, whatever, fool ,well that happened, and thats a thing alot.
Fair enough, Hn, Hmph. I growl alot when in pain, or just annoyed. Burn out, I say that alot whenever I beat anyone in a game, or do some really cool ultimate move, Or just win in a conversation, it's basically my favorite win phrase.
I'm Swedish, so the translation of the words might just seem odd for any given situation but alrighty then. I curse, A LOT. Think I pretty much use the words FÖR FAN (pretty much means For fucks sake) more frequently than I use words as Hello Yes etc. Good thing I don't keep a swear jar. I could buy Microsoft with that shit.
Bro, its not meant to be funny, since the dawn of time, just random crap lol
^i could give a sailor a run for their money. Thankfully I have conditioned myself to use it only when appropriate. Some people may say it's never appropriate BUUUUUT I disagree. It's a great way to release and express frustration. Right now my favorite while driving is "dickbag" unless I sing a slew of curses. JesusFuck is a good one too. Hmm...
Haha veruca you seem really funny in person XD
Phrases I say a lot are - Oh dear lord - And I care why? - I don't care - that's what friends do for each other - What side am I rooting for now? - You said that - God damn why do I have to keep repeating myself? - That's not what I said - You are not listening - Can you stop misunderstanding me for a second? - drama, drama, drama, you say you hate it but you go back for more - I should care why? - Uht, excuse me I do have feelings - why do people forget I have feelings? - Konichiwa! - Do you think..... - I know I am not suppose to, but I really want to and telling me not to makes me want it more. - You need help? - What do you need? - I am just saying it's funny, not anything else. If you look at it from a non-objective view point - Geez! - Thanks, It's good to know how much you hate me. That really made my day! Now I am off to do more stuff so that when you need help I can help you, you will say you love me but you only like me for what I can do! - why does your love extent to me doing something for you? Can't you love me for being me? -I like pie! -There is more things out there than you can imagine. But then again I think your imagination stops at ice cream. -Is there anything I can get you? - God damn my personality! Why must I be so helpful!
Mine include -Elderberry -I love you - (insert name) in drag - Effing blacks (or gays, grandpops) - I dream of a world without blacks -Old (black, gay) people are just the worst -Negro slaves -Random lesbianism -I'm a paladin of righteousness -I formed an Axis of Righteousness -Swing state! -Grandpops are ugly -I'm going to eat you!!! -There was a time when I looked in my negro's eyes -My empire will rise again! -(picks up something) This is all I need -You gay-bo! -You're just jealous of my Super Saiyan Swagger -My hair gives me the power to defy gravity! -I was just minding my own business -I wish segregation still existed -I am going to bully you into submission -Scoff, scoff, scoff! -Hey, you niggas is gay -You bitch ass, punk ass nigga -White people smell like Pledge cleaner and lemon juice -Wild African hooligans! -I want to destroy all black people (by using their blackness against them) -Why don't you join the church? -Son of a Protestant whore! -I'm going to defeat you in mortal combat -I'm going to destroy them all -Search and destroy! -Why not Zoidberg? -Shock and awe! -You're nothing but a good grandpop -At least for once it wasn't me -Jelly jiggler! -(calls anyone this) Virginia! Little Virginia! -My baby boy! -Oh myyyyyyyyyyyyyy -Show me the boobies! -Give me the panties! -The panties. Show me them -Show me your thong. -Can I see your panties? -I'm going to do things to you that only Prince sings about -I live my life in extremes with complete disregard to the consequences -My body is ready and many, many more
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