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Back again~

Hello everybody! I've been away from MaiOtaku for a while; I was in a relationship for two and a half years, and of course didn't have much need to go on dating websites during that time. However, that came to an end, so now I'm back in the dating scene. It's good to see MaiOtaku finally has a forum! I felt like it was too much one-on-one talking before, and of course you had to find somebody to talk with first. I definitely think I'll be spending some time on here now, it'll be great to have some people to talk to! Anywho, it's good to be back; looking forward to talking with you all and having a good time =3
Welcome back man, hopefully you find what you're looking for here ^^
Jun 03, 15 at 8:00pm
Alot has changed since you were last on http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/387/286/1b4.jpg Jk jk anyway welcome back hope you enjoy your stay and have fun here...sorry to her about the relationship man
Thanks XD lol, those dogs are definitely in the wrong neighborhood, they need at least twice as many to take on a lone cat~
Jun 03, 15 at 8:09pm
Those are alot of dogs tbh
Voli @voli commented on Back again~
Jun 04, 15 at 8:51am
Wb dude.. don't know how maiotaku.com was back then... looks cool to me..
Jun 04, 15 at 5:28pm
Sorry to hear things didn't work out; better luck this time! Please, enjoy your stay ^ ^ http://i.imgur.com/FSZzK8u.jpg
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