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Are you a professional artist or a fan artist

Professional means you have sold art. Fan artist is well doodlers and hobbyist who does not sell. Witch are you. I'm a professional artist.
Fan art, I mostly just give mine away to friends or hang it on my walls in my room
Professional. Acrylic & Watercolor
I'm a junior artist. still working under professional artists.
I've sold some of brochures, flyers and patterns design.
Neither really, I have my own original ideas that I want to draw up but sadly due to me being terrible at drawing, it makes it really difficult to actually convey a visual representation of said ideas. So as an idea person, I think I'm pretty damn good but as an actual artist, I'm pretty terrible. It's very depressing.
Monsoon, that's the struggle of every artist. We are always our worst critics.
Hmm I am good with pixel art...kinda... No I think I am more of a novice to pixel art and drawing, but an indie game company hired me while back, but after a month of them showing off my hard work I freaked out a bit... Too much pressure on myself... :/
I'm employed as an illustrator. That's gotta count for something, right?
professional concept artist, animator and illustrator here~~
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