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Ever hated a human?

Ever hated someone so much, you wanted to *** the *** to them, or *** their *** and *** ***? You don't have to mention their name, actually I encourage that you DON'T, just use Ass-chan or Bastard-kun or "It". (Or anything but their name) Is there someone I wish I could, kill? Sure, but I ain't gunna break the law obviously, or do it at all, but it's good to release that stress from another person, bottling it will only 'cause more suffering for yourself, which I bet they are making a trollface at your suffering, so show them by releasing that stress and feeling better with a smile! (Although mine are usually quite creepy...)
May 26, 15 at 6:33am
I read this last night, considered it, but passed it up. I think admitting hatred for anyone online is a bad idea in case some questionable deed happens and your name and IP address and what nots are looked into- Big Brother and all. I for one do hold grudges for a long time. I refer to it as my mental Black List. I may have fantasies of doing questionable deeds regarding those who are on it, but I don't. After a long while the list will change and I no longer feel the overwhelming urge to get revenge. Then I start to realize I'm letting stuff go. So, yes, I get where you're coming from. Most the people on my list are exs followed by bullies and snots.
I hate people which is why I play videogames and watch anime.
I dont normally hate people but when i do i will forever hate them http://www.flask.com/wp-content/uploads/dos-equis-most-interesting-guy-in-the-world.jpeg Actually like a friend of mine me an him used to be friends but then this one kid told him that he bet that he couldnt punch me and that if he won the bet he will give him $5 but if he lost the guy would punch him and then the friend would owe him $5..so like the coward he is he did it and we got in a fight...i didnt fight back cause i didnt want to hit him since he was my friend and ever since then he started bullying me and i really wanted to punch him but back then i was scared of violence
May 26, 15 at 9:56am
I hate a lot of people in this world. For instance, I was out walking with a friend crossing the street. This hummer almost ran us over and slammed on an abnoxiously loud horn. We had the walking sign. People like that, I would not mind if they die in a horrific car accident. It may be cold of me, but the world can do without people with huge egos like that. I wouldn't kill them myself, just wish a painful death.
I've wanted to be like the manga character Rape Man and rape bad people lol
May 26, 15 at 1:14pm
I've given up on humanity, but on the good side there are some people I actually want to care about. So yes, I hate humans, just not all of them.
May 26, 15 at 11:16pm
There's a lot of people I dislike, including humanity as a whole for being disappointing, but is there someone I hate so much I would wish them dead? Maybe "a good riddance!" but I wouldn't be able to. Aside from the fact that it is illegal, it could be tricky to do it without getting harmed in the process. And even if I had all the reasons in the world for doing so, people wouldn't understand why and just look at me like a monster. But the thing I'm most afraid of is losing something in the process. I could become someone I hate. Hatred does nothing, it just fuels more hatred, it's a never-ending cycle of self-destruction.
I don't hate anyone no matter what they've done to me and there is a person that made my life a hell during 7 years but I can't bring myself to hate her since I knew her hidden intentions. I just am indifferent with humanity, really neutral.
I agree with Riner. I used to be indifferent on a general level, but after I began reading a lot, I had high hopes for mankind. It's painful to see Americans disregarding things like Civil rights history and I can't say I don't feel somewhat inclined to look down on them.. not because I think I'm better than them in some way, rather because I know they're capable. Do I hate anyone with my being or anything like that? Not at all.
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