the meaning of life

piercedrocker @piercedrocker
the meaning of life
piercedrocker @piercedrocker
i think the meaning of life is - to love and be loved without love we wouldnt have life without life we wouldnt have love

wavemasterelk @wavemasterelk
commented on
the meaning of life
wavemasterelk @wavemasterelk
I'd say the meaning of Life is to.. find something that means most to you to the point of willingly giving your own life to protect it. To Leave a mark in humanity, to insure the the race matures over time.

konad13 @konad13
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the meaning of life
konad13 @konad13
Wrong, 42!

huogir @huogir
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the meaning of life
huogir @huogir
You beat me too it Konad you beat me too it

BrokenHeartGoddess @brokenheartgoddess
commented on
the meaning of life
BrokenHeartGoddess @brokenheartgoddess
life holds no meaning its meaning less just endless torcher

Sobi @sobi
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the meaning of life
Sobi @sobi
I agree with konad13 it's 42, the problem is what is the question?

fullmetallove @fullmetallove
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the meaning of life
fullmetallove @fullmetallove
What is, 7 x 6?

Smitevil @smitevil
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the meaning of life
Smitevil @smitevil
Your born, you live then you die... Kinda sucks if you think about it too much, it's much funner if you don't.

mehsomethingsomethingsomet @mehsomethingsomethingsomething
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the meaning of life
mehsomethingsomethingsomet @mehsomethingsomethingsomething

there's no reason for me t @sweetmarii
commented on
the meaning of life
there's no reason for me t @sweetmarii
life is so much deeper than that guys!!
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