the meaning of life

Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
commented on
the meaning of life
Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
Well depends, on a specifically scientific level(Meaning ignoring any kind of religion.), Absolutely bullshit. Or nothing. You were bred, you will die. Some of us earlier than others, and nothing so far, will end that, and even if we get immortality by science, either through machinery or genetic manipulation, you will still die, due to some accident, some day, somehow.
The meaning of life is the meaning of that rock over there. It's the meaning that kids die in Africa, it's the meaning of kids being born. Simple chance, with no meaning other than what you give it. You give life meaning. It's not love, Because love can be lost or betrayed. If you make it love yourself, than good on you, but life in of itself isn't about love, It's only about love if you so decide to.
You could bring religion into it, But that would breed a whole new conversation, and a lot of speculation.
So just enjoy life, be a good person, help people, and help yourself. And you'll do fine.

ºº @galiko23
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the meaning of life
ºº @galiko23


AnimeYuriFan @bakablc
commented on
the meaning of life
AnimeYuriFan @bakablc
Few years back i got to thinkin about this stuff when i got bitchslapped in the face by reality. Honestly for a while it made me pretty depressed but then i learned or maybe decided to accept the that there really is no meaning.
We are born, we live, we die and when you die thats it, the end.. killin urself trying to find a deeper meaning is just pointless and unhealthy. Even as someine who beleives in heaven and hell i still feel the same way about it.. Although i guess my belief is a bit shaky.
What you can do is aim to make a positive change/difference in the world however small it may be or at the very least live life as a good person who doesnt harm others because well, no one likes a duchebag.
Hmm, does that count as a meaning to life though? Idk..shit now ive gone and started thinking again

Chocopyro @chocopyro
commented on
the meaning of life
Chocopyro @chocopyro
I could care less if life has a meaning or not. I'm more concerned with getting people to realize the value of life, as it's a rarity in the universe.
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