
Mittz @eekyboy
Mittz @eekyboy
When I was little I wanted to be a baseball player for some reason I wanted to be a pitcher weird considering where i come from we don't play baseball, then as i grew older i wanted to be an artist, now i kinda don't know what i want to do >.> why can't i just play video games for a living. So what're your dreams in life?

Key @key17
commented on
Key @key17
When I was a kid, I was torn between drawing manga or making games. I ended up opting for games and I draw manga on my spare time. Win Win everywhere.

drmario @drmario
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drmario @drmario
@eekyboy do you still like baseball?
I had and still have many dreams. One of which I'm fortunate enough to have an opportunity to attain. I would like to be a doctor, write a novel, create a video game, and make an important speech among other things.

Mittz @eekyboy
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Mittz @eekyboy
oh yeah i forgot i wanted to write a novel since english is about one of the only things im good at and yeah i still do love baseball i love it so much despite barely playing it I live in a small town so yeah :<

ロイ @wallace614
commented on
ロイ @wallace614
I wanted to be a doctor and have like my own basketball team of children but then I saw how much and long was med school and how difficult and taxing is to raise children so now I change my dream to so e thing doable and notharsh

Niknik @niknik
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Niknik @niknik
My dream is to be a professional singer but at this rate Ill bid that byebye xD

drmario @drmario
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drmario @drmario
And to think there are people who do med school and raise children at the same time (impossible I say!)

Mittz @eekyboy
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Mittz @eekyboy
ah niknik never say bye xD anything is possible

Key @key17
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Key @key17
Then hurry up. For those, you want to start early.

DarkuSchneider @darkschneider
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DarkuSchneider @darkschneider
I wanted and tried to be many different things and do new stuff all the time. What I found is they all had some underlying common attribute or discipline that led me to what I do today. When you find your natural talents and apply them to whatever you want to do, what seems like hard work to others is just fun to you.
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