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Mittz @eekyboy
Mittz @eekyboy
Gross Rachel but yes the music is great and wonder what your era of life was like
Tower of god

Gabriel @gabriel_true
commented on
Tower of god
Gabriel @gabriel_true

Bahahaha! Hehe *cough*
Hm, yes, I found it amusing this series once again cropped up from the literal abyss!
Ah memories from an era of my life best left forgotten and yet... nevermind. You wanted to discuss Tower Of God. The music for the series is indeed quite good.

Gabriel @gabriel_true It's a long story. Best left in that ever so distant past, heh! But as far as Season 2 of TOG I personally am having a difficult time following the plot. I know they did a time skip from season 1, however it appears the show expects viewers to have read the comics to understand much of the side characters backstories. Not having as much fun as I did before. As for RATchel, I enjoy her simply because she's a terrible character. That ironic enjoyment one feels for someone you're supposed to hate! We support team RATchel all day every day in this house, hehe!

Mittz @eekyboy
Mittz @eekyboy
Watching season 2 of tower of god makes me feel old lol 4 years since season 1, read almost 200 chapters in the last week, would love some talk about the anime or comic

Mittz @eekyboy
Mittz @eekyboy
Just read 191 chapters of I am a hero after learning about a live action film about it, i think you should read it if you haven't but it's a bit on the weird side
Tower of god

Mittz @eekyboy
Tower of god
Mittz @eekyboy
Opening theme is great and the episodes are so good I read ahead just let your thoughts known
Naruto Blazing

Mittz @eekyboy
Naruto Blazing
Mittz @eekyboy
Anybody play that somewhat recent mobile game naruto ultimate ninja blazing? I recently started and I like it, great time killer