Greetings panda.I should have something catchy too but it'd probably wouldn't be as cool as Leo's but let's try anyways.I am MO'S official Cloud Guardian Highness of the Azure skies except with its night which it'll technically be darker than blue but still nice and wish you lots of good health! Hmm*Facepalm*Total failure at a jazzy greeting
*Calls the Police*PoPo-PPolice! Help a mugging down the street!*Mr.PoPo Answers*Yes? Goku? Why do you need to call the police you're a super saiyan! Start acting like one!*)●(ighnessOfCloudKingdoms hangs up the phone*Huh, wrong number...OMG! I forgot to pick up a gallon of milk.I better hurry.Sorry man!If you get mugged again I'll help more next time!
Hi, my name's Aaron. I joined this site hoping to make friends, share interests and hopefully meet that one girl, lol.
So far there's pretty nice people here, you'll have a great time
If I had photoshop I'd put "MO<3" on their backs and "MAIOTAKU WELCOMES YOU!" at the top. Ah well.