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Are you shy or...

Feb 27, 15 at 5:28pm
I'm anti-social as heck honestly.... from 1st to 10th grade I avoided ALL human communication while on school, had pretty much no friends because of it too though... that in turn made me grow a social anxiety which I'm now currently going to a pshycologist to fix and it's actually working quite nicely. I've started to participate more in conversations, I've actually manage to get some really nice and close friends (maybe not many but... quality over quantity right?) and even a part-time job beside school... sooo I would say I'm actually getting places :D still scared like crazy of other people though... but working on it ^_^
Feb 27, 15 at 10:11pm
Hmm, I must be anti-social according to all of this.
Feb 28, 15 at 11:42am
I'm a little bit of both I'd say
Feb 28, 15 at 12:27pm
What if my main picture is just too cute
Feb 28, 15 at 1:09pm
I'm shy when it comes to intimacy. For example I can talk to a cute girl for days but when it comes down to flirting and giving compliments when I see her as more than a person but someone I would like to date, it becomes painfully obvious...I am shy -_- Other than that I'm not really anti social...I just don't have time to go out as much which is why I came to this website ^+^ My profile pic is not me because one I like Beck and 2 I got lucky once on this website but other than that I don't think I will find anyone local anymore. Matta Ne -Art
I'm a pony and I approve this message.
I'm shy at first but once I warm up to someone I can be myself.
Mar 01, 15 at 1:17am
everybody has to be shy to certain level since you dont know the other person why people always put that i still dont get it. yes once you get to know that person more you get more confidence to talk and act out .
Mar 01, 15 at 1:20am
im a little of both i think
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