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Are you shy or...

I don't think so much shy as introverted and having social anxiety -.- but then you try to tell people that and there just like "....so you're shy?" SADFGHJDTSUZEHDGZ
Feb 27, 15 at 2:19am
I used to be very antisocial, but not anymore. I'm glad I'm not the way I used to be, however I'm a shy person, byt I think thats better than being antisocial
Feb 27, 15 at 3:52am
As Kichigai say's I can see the difference, when talking to girls you like especially I understand why you'd be shy. I think I might be on the 50/50 mark tho since tho for me its mainly the case of being respectful to girls to such an extent I often look to far ahead as to where I think I might end up saying something that might sound odd to her. When that happens I decide to not talk in the end, I do go to conventions and friends in particular often tell me I am qutie shy around girls in general. Perhaps some of you know that society decided the stereotypical male is a hunter, I completely lack that factor.
I can be a bit shy in unfamiliar settings but have learned to calm my thoughts and focus. I used to joke I was not anti-social just non-social which was untrue otherwise I would not BS on the internet all these years. @Shymage - Men are not born hunters, they are taught. Don't buy into that alpha/beta male BS, people create themselves. When you know and master yourself and know what you really want you can easily go out and get it. You are not a bad looking guy either so you should not be so nervous. Present who you are in a respectable manner (not patronizing or defeatist) and you will find the natural confidence to succeed in love and life. The right people will recognize it and accept you for who you are. Giving respect to others as a means to an end will not get you very far. Some will even exploit it to your misery. Respect yourself and do not tolerate disrespect and make it known in how you carry yourself.
Not gonna lie, I use to be very anti-social. Just didn't trust people enough to open up. Coming from Washington, dc, being black, and into anime wasn't the norm, got picked on alot. As I grew though, I saw how me avoiding people was making things worst. Started practicing on building my confidence and being more outgoing. Still have more to work on, but I think I've come a long way.
Feb 27, 15 at 9:34am
Funny how shyness seems to be a recurring trait in otaku.
Feb 27, 15 at 9:55am
Thank you for the kind words darku, I know males are not born hunters, it was not what I meant with my comment Like you say its taught by society viewing it as what is "normal" In my opinion tho "normal" is one of the ugliest words in existance, because who dictates what is normal and what is not?
@ under lock and key. Think it might be because even though anime is growing in America, it's still considered strange by the majority. I can sat I was picked on in the past for reading manga in school.
You know, I don't mind if people are shy or anti-social cause in a sense I am rather anti-social but more or less by choice. Nonetheless, I feel for people who are trying to over come it.. on the flip-side, I disgust people who say they are anti-social and/or shy and try to make it out to be this big huge thing. Course, people who are like that in general are not right in my opinon.
Feb 27, 15 at 5:18pm
I wouldnt say im anti-social okay maybe a bit more than im letting on XD. I just dont want to be bothered all the time. If I see you 5 times a week which I dont mind but you over stay your welcome till like 2 in the morning your probably annoying me. Im not a talker especially over the phone, but its a difference in person. Shy? Ehhh maybe a little, especially if I want you to like me, might be scared of what I might say. But this is rarely considering I say whatever I want to say.
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