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Virgin Talk

I regret I felt overly pressured to ditch my v-card growing up and did not trade it wisely so I commend people who wait. On the other side of the coin wait too long and it is just as bad of a trade. Sex is more important to some than others(so they say) but when you study the failures of modern relationships sex is often directly or indirectly involved or a very good indicator of some things. The various x-sexual revolutions are a result of the failures of traditional institutions that have become dysfunctional...life evolves to find new solutions to problems when the status-quo no longer cuts it.
Feb 14, 15 at 5:12am
I haven't had sex in about 5-6 years. Do I count as a virgin again? =_=
Yes, axel. No, Dani. (Although, not 5 years, about a year and a half for me, so I know the feels.
Feb 14, 15 at 6:30pm
Virgin here yup. Well I'm only 18 so it isn't that special. And it's totally not like I'm searching and waiting.
27 year old virgin here. neet-one I have to agree with all of your statements and yes the world is dangerously overpopulated and if things keep going on the way the have humanity is going to breed itself into extinction wiping out all other species along the way. it makes me sick thinking about it. The human population requires being cut down to about half a billion people if life is to prosper on this planet. the only humane way to do that would be for the world governments to instate mandatory sterilization for both parents after their first child. the only other option would be mass genocide.
Feb 17, 15 at 12:02pm
Still a virgin and reserving myself to whoever my future husband is :)
>_>' I don't think its legal to sterilize people....or very humane at that
Feb 17, 15 at 1:57pm
Thanks Kodoku na Doutei, although I think those measures are a tad extreme. China limits families to having one child without sterilization, so I don't think it's necessary to go as far as sterilization. cutting the earth's population down to half a billion people also sounds really extreme. We have the resources to feed and house a few billion easily so there's no need to go 'that' far.
Feb 17, 15 at 2:02pm
I think we have enough resources on the Earth to support that many people, but not enough to support the greed of that many people. If everyone took what they needed instead of being wasteful and excessive, the overpopulation problem would not be an issue.
xueli @xueli commented on Virgin Talk
Feb 17, 15 at 5:32pm
Continuing the off topicness, but with the way birth rates are falling, the past couple of years have seen a slow growth to the human population. It's now predicted that the growth will actually stop and then potentially decline in the lifetimes of people who are alive today.
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