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Virgin Talk

xueli @xueli commented on Virgin Talk
Feb 17, 15 at 5:33pm
Also China is having a huge problem with the one child policy and is actually in the process of reversing it
Feb 17, 15 at 5:47pm
hunter900, Exactly. We are not overpopulating like roaches. There's enough room and resources, just to much greed and politics. I think we could double and be fine, but it's all in how we manage what we have. Don't worry though, we are slowing down our population growth.
Feb 17, 15 at 10:04pm
Dang, this is quite the development. How did we get to population management from the virginity topic?! Oh well, screw it, let me go a bit off-topic here. yasshat, I agree with your point on managing what we have. The key word here is "managing". When rate of usage far exceeds rate of replenishment, in the long run you will run out of resources. The average household today globally consumes more fossil fuels than say, 70 years ago. Even if we cut our population size, the need for more food, fuel etc. at greater quantity, quality, variety and speed, is a true test of strain on Earth. Currently, I know of no feasible and cost-effective solution to tackle this issue.
Diseases will take care of the problem eventually. http://www.cdc.gov/tb/topic/drtb/ http://www.cdc.gov/std/gonorrhea/arg/ http://time.com/3711260/hiv-strain-cuba/ http://news.yahoo.com/ebola-flu-drug-resistance-top-pandemic-threats-124338713--finance.html
Hi, I'm new to this forum. I'm also virgin... ^///^ (This is embarrassing)
Feb 20, 15 at 4:39am
Do not be embarrassed about being a virgin, It's just a choice or your just a bit unlucky hahaha. Either way it's nothing to be ashamed of.
Thanks! So, how is everyone? :3
Feb 20, 15 at 4:51am
I'm personally just listening to music and thinking of food.
Can I ask you something, Leo? :3
Feb 20, 15 at 4:56am
Sure, what's up?
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