Why Does wearing short shorts make you a slut?

amaimai @amaimai
Why Does wearing short shorts make you a slut?
amaimai @amaimai
I dont know if this will be considered a 'serious' topic but just out of curiosity : why does wearing short shorts make you a slut or at least being labeled as one? I mean i don't see why it would. "Ohh! You're showing off your legs you slut!" What is the big deal? I wear short shorts but i am in no means a 'slut' i am pure in every aspect xD never kissed anyone, never dated anyone, and of course I'm still a virgin (well duh I'm only 16 so I'm too young and ewnononono xD) but seriously i dont get it ;-; sometimes my guy friend tells me "put on some clothes on!" Like what? e.e it's not like my butt cheeks are sticking out so whats the problem? Why does wearing shorts automatically give girls the "oh she's a slut cause she showing off her legs." I dance and workout so I'm proud of my legs and i am comfortable in my body. i dont pay attention to people who comment on what I'm wearing because I believe people can wear whatever the hell they want! But yah... People shouldn't judge other people by what they're wearing ;-; and yaahh just want to hear your answers ~

rangerchives @rangerchives
commented on
Why Does wearing short shorts make you a slut?
rangerchives @rangerchives
I think it's because hookers usually were short shorts, and we, as humans, judge on appearances most of the time. When those people see short shorts, they think of hookers which then translates into slut. But, I don't think you should let it bother you. Who cares what other people think? Those people who decide to brand you a slut based on that are just a bunch of dumbasses. People can wear whatever they want, and it won't bother me at all.

r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
commented on
Why Does wearing short shorts make you a slut?
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
I live where the sun is out 95% of the year, winter barely dips below freezing and we get triple digit temperatures in the summer. All I see is shorts everywhere, even now in the middle of winter I see people wearing them. I've personally never heard of that bias or ever even thought to think shorts could mean something of that nature. I wonder if it varies from region to region?

RebeccaLoveless @rebeccaloveless
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Why Does wearing short shorts make you a slut?
RebeccaLoveless @rebeccaloveless
Because it's so close to showing the vagina. Everybody knows women only wear short skirts, Daisy Dukes, and low cut shirts for the attention of men. Those articles of clothing just scream "Do me, I'm easy."
Honestly, though, I think people only call each other sluts for such a silly reason because they're uncomfortable with themselves. They're not confident in their own skin so they feel the need to tear others down. It's childish, but that's how some people get their kicks.

pann_am @panza
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Why Does wearing short shorts make you a slut?
pann_am @panza
My definition of a slut (or manwhore) is someone that sleeps around carelessly...not someone who wears short shorts.
It all has to do with modesty but honestly its 2014 (almost 2015 lol). Past ideas of modesty in terms of clothing are a bit ridiculous for this day and age. Some people do dress for attention and some people don't. Showing a little skin doesn't make you a bad person in my book.

(笑)anigamer99(笑) @anigamer1999
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Why Does wearing short shorts make you a slut?
(笑)anigamer99(笑) @anigamer1999
For an insult to have any effect on the person being insulted, said person must first value opinions of others. Once you develop a mindframe such as that I believe it wouldn't seem as irritating. You have the right to wear whatever you want. You shouldn't care about what other people think, as long as you're happy that's all that really matters.

J.A.M. @joseph87mar
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Why Does wearing short shorts make you a slut?
J.A.M. @joseph87mar

kc_watz @kc_watz
commented on
Why Does wearing short shorts make you a slut?
kc_watz @kc_watz
Wow, there is some deep, constructive comments here... And then there is my post lol
~in my opinion, you can't dress skimpy without somebody callin you a hoe.
Its like if there was an accident and I was dressed like a doctor and everyone started to call me doc. "Oh, just becuase I dress this way you assume I'm a doctor?! I'm not!!"
Am I just rambling or does this make sense?
Oy yeah, as for the part where you work out and look good and just wanna show it. You go gurl!! lol

ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
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Why Does wearing short shorts make you a slut?
ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
Wear whatever you want and fuck what anyone thinks! I prefer to be naked myself but unfortunately I don't live in a nudist community. You can't let other people's shallow and superficial judgements control your life!

lucille @lucille
commented on
Why Does wearing short shorts make you a slut?
lucille @lucille
Honestly who cares what people think about what you wear? Wear what you feel comfortable with and don't let anyone put you down for it.
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