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Is cheating acceptable?

Oct 19, 15 at 9:17am
One of the worst things you can do to me, abuse my trust. http://piq.codeus.net/static/media/userpics/piq_88557_400x400.png
I've been cheated on, and it sucks. I would have preferred an honest breakup, especially since I tried twice when it was going on, and was 100% oblivious to it, and was still convinced to stay into the relationship. I don't know if I was a status accessory to her or what. Even to this day, it really does kinda confound me as to what was going on in her head. But one thing is for sure, from that point on, I've always made it a point to stay on the same page as my partners with as much honesty about our intents as possible. I've since forgiven her, but I still don't think I deserved it, and I can say this with the utmost honesty toward myself, with all clarity in my emotions as well as the perspectives of all my friends who I should have listened to all along. I can't make the call as to whether it's acceptable or not, but just remember that the damage caused is not shared between two individuals alone. If you have any respect for yourself, your friends, your partner, and the person who you think could provide you with what you want on the side, at least break it off with your partner first. Or let them break it off without any manipulation which keeps them in harms way. Otherwise, you're just letting them waist away their lives. Or at the very least, try to establish an open relationship where both partners are on the same page. Whatever, just be honest about your intent.
Oct 20, 15 at 4:29pm
Cheating stands in direct opposition to being in a relationship in the first place. And it's disgusting
Never! If you have the urge to cheat then maybe you shouldn't be in a relationship. I got cheated on multiple times in my first relationship and I have to say it really messed up my confidence. It was also a huge factor in the various mental health issues that I suffer from to this day.
Usually I got cheated while I never cheat... Some said once a cheater will always be a cheater. To me they no better than shoplifter.....
Oct 21, 15 at 1:46pm
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Being cheated on multiple times... Well... It's more along the lines of you feel like you weren't enough for them... It sucks ;u; especially when you thought she was amazing; you're just left there to not be able to blame her... But don't know what to do inside... It's just... Eeecccchhhkjkk ;~;
Cheating is bad, though if i was cheated on i would consider everything before terminating the relationship and hopefully AND I HOPE I DO NOT (i will not ._.) the other person would do the same for me.
Nov 04, 15 at 10:58pm
No, just dump (him/her) already. Don't be a coward. Don't be jerk. I don't necessarily love honesty when it hurts but you'll earn my respect by saying you met someone and you did not sleep with them... I mean not every relationship lasts forever and I get that even though it hurts.
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