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Joel Bullock @joelbullock
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Joel Bullock @joelbullock
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diabloxblanco @diabloxblanco
diabloxblanco @diabloxblanco
Zelda: Triforce Heroes releases tomorrow! Be still, my beating heart...

diabloxblanco @diabloxblanco
diabloxblanco @diabloxblanco
Should be sleeping, but need to play Gunstar Heroes... Again.
The Walking Dead

diabloxblanco @diabloxblanco
commented on
The Walking Dead
diabloxblanco @diabloxblanco
Favorite will always be Merle. 2nd is a tie between The Governor and Abraham
What games do you like/play?

diabloxblanco @diabloxblanco
commented on
What games do you like/play?
diabloxblanco @diabloxblanco
@mariahaise i actually will. After seeing you write so much on the subject, i decided to check it out. I anticipate rage quitting