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How Much Do Women Like "Balls"

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I may not be a lady, but even I like balls. I respect anyone who stands strong against the odds of life and a person who's just not afraid to be themselves. Now, don't confuse balls with machismo or arrogance. I definitely respect a woman who doesn't fall into the danty cultural expectations of woman hood. You don't need to act or even be masculine to have balls.
Dec 17, 14 at 2:37am
Sure. Balls as in being assertive about your life goals. Everyone likes a go getter. I think it's lazy and selfish that they also like the "balls" where you initiate everything. That almost guarantees you'll miss the nice guys.
Nice guys? Dude, nice guy does not have to mean door mat. You can have balls and be a nice guy.
Dec 17, 14 at 11:39am
I agree. Not contradicting what you're saying yaasshat. There are two factors: 1. Some gals just naturally fall for the jerk. 2. It's still unfair to almost always be the assertive one. I'm looking for a partner not a princess.
Dec 25, 14 at 3:12pm
Balls are called balls for a reason. They are socially accepted as a trait menly-men display. Women respect men who have the balls to stand up for what's right. In my own experience, I found that women become more attracted to me when I show them my balls. And I mean the figurative ones. Also my balls, but that comes later. And by come I mean...ah, nevermind.
If they want to have kids then I would say they like them alot
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