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Notice Me Senpai

1. I click this because curious what your title say sound like laid on you or just like your picture please use me :O. 2. My first one is Doraemon, sailormoon and dragon ball z. 3. If I can live in any anime, I would live one the world god only knows because got many option and being Keima is fun since can play games all day . 4. Zero no tsukaima because this anime the first episode I already like it. The girl Louise extremely tsundere. This cannot has another anime of this since the author died. I also got one more that impressed me is Mirai Nikki because never saw a girl that crazy as yandere. 5. Manga because is faster and also some anime does not follow the manga direction. For example: Akame ga kiru. 6. Rikuo Nura (yokai form). If you like code Geass, read Liar Game. Trust me this is a brilliant manga that is a mind game and psychology. Once you read it, up to the 2nd game start to get more interesting. Don't believe me can look it up in this website from others comments. https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=3296
jas @jas commented on Notice Me Senpai
Dec 10, 14 at 5:52am
1. How many of you almost didn't click this because of the over-used title? Not me. Reminds me of Persona 4 for some reason. 2. When did you first embrace your inner anime nerd/What anime was the first you had ever watched? I've always embraced adult animation. As a kid anime was snuck in like a trojan horse via Transformers and Robotech. My first intentional anime was Akira and Project A-ko. 3. If you could live in any anime universe, which would it be? Any one that would extend my life indefinitely. 4. What anime made the biggest impact on you? What about this anime made a special place in your heart? Akira 5. Do you prefer manga or anime? Why? I started with actual manga in high school (City Hunter). Anime because of the flashing colors and pretty lights. 6. What is the craziest anime hair style you have ever seen? Not anime. I thought the chunk polygons on Final Fantasy 7 characters were weird.
Welcome to the site. 1)I didn't, it seems like tradition to welcome a new member. 2)First anime would have to be pokemon. I wouldn't say I liked them as much then as I do now. 3)It would probably have to be SAO regardless of the chance of death. I'd happily die for an experience like that. 4)Most likely Anohana. I have watched this anime around 5 times which for me is quite odd as I can't watch most anime again without being bored. I listen to it's ending everyday as it's a song I can relate to. 5)I enjoy both however I prefer anime. 6) I...I don't know. (cowers in corner)
@Key: Yeah... My username isn't even close to my name xDDDD I don't blame you if it takes you a while to remember. @neetone: I looked up that character with the split hairstyle and her hair kind of reminded me of cotton candy. She looks so cute though despite that xD @Animefood: I haven't actually seen Code Geass yet. I started it, but I still have to go back and finish it. I did look up the manga you recommended however, and I think it looks interesting. I will have to check it out some time :) @Jas: I have never played Final Fantasy, but I am familiar with a few of the characters... I have to agree... That have some very interesting gravity defying hairstyles xD. I also have yet to watch Akira. I think I was going to watch it with my dad last summer, but we forgot to watch it. That movie is definitely on my list of things to watch. @anigamer1999: xD Haha you don't need to cower because you can't think of a hairstyle. These questions were strictly for fun and to get to know people, so no worries.
Hiii ladysweetchan! ^__^ (.ooou! Found your intro!..hokie my turn here xD ) *thinks* 1.) Aw..im glad to see almost everyone still have dat knack of making people feel welcome esp.newbies.. *thumbs up* good job guyz! ^-^ Same reasons..Ü @gene uhh..o_o why smack her? 2.) embraced my inner nerd.? *thinks hard back as a five year old* ~_~ idknuu hehe i think ive always been this way.xD Ah! i think only when I realized I react more and cry more on anime stories than others or 'normal pips' and/or for da first time have crushes but on anime charac.XD LOLS i guess dats when i realized der *points other people*............different. / Dragonball at about 4 or 5. Ask my brothers why..yihie xD but it was actually good.. *recalls..nods nods* 3.) Hmmmm..tough question! °^° I guess in FFseries stuffs?..(grew up knowing/living with ff, before my brother had his own place...early in the morning thats the first thing I see-him playing..hehe..) i like their gardens etc..(ff8 schools=gardens) and i like da fact that their school has this soundtrack playing throughout campus, rofl! Forgive my weirdness..xD I also like to have those powers..*coughs* Naruto's world ain't bad too.. then again school life scenarios/animes : ) ahhh h i missed watching people play games T_T 5.) Dragonball, Flame of Recca, Ghost Fighter, Pokemon, Trigun, Doraemon, Shinchan oldies......xD yaha! Same reasons above.. Ofcourse Naruto lol..(too long..but good) .but yeah..for mine, umn..i think its the shoujo stuffs... *puffs* ~turns red~ Like..fruits basket, gakuen alice, v.knight, n many more! ^-^ Yaha..taught me/showed me how cute raburabu (sounds like love love) stuffs could be..>_< i was soo happy it actually had a name *shoujo* and to think der are actually people who feels da same way about it.yihiie <3 *there! You knuuu my secret yiiiiie xD xD (shy mode about it.) Ahm this it turning out to be tooo long XD SOoriie.. 5.) Uhmn.. I prefer both.ü You can pause and stare at the moment *on your hands* Hoorae for Love monster! XD And lastly, *pwew for you guys reading* xD 6.) leo_ss is right!.. o_o honestly i have no idea at all.. Yaha! Nice intro ladychan! ^_^ Sorry took me loong..but i had fun! Waw..Thank You ne! ^-^
1)fun to read any forum replies. 2)Sailor Moon and Card Capture Sakura before heading to school, and DBZ in spanish lol. 3)Any universe that would have me ^_^. 4)Outlaw Star captivated my attention, but AnoHana pulled some heart strings! 5)I like both very much, but I am a big fan of music, and so an anime with a solid score can be fantastic! 6)though it is by no means the craziest, Dekomori from Chuunibyou has Mjolnir which is awesome!!!
@kawaiinesie: Hello again! Haha, I actually think I'd like to live in the Naruto world... I would be a rich ninja shoe saleswoman working for the Ninja Gap. @Jesse (Insert Japanese Text here that I can't type): DBZ in Spanish? That sounds interesting xD!
Dec 10, 14 at 2:55pm
1.welcomee 2.well i have watched anime before i knew the term i think it was sailor moon or shaman king 3.well i would love to ho around looking for pokemons :3 4. Well i'm between clannad and steins;gate both of those animes were awesone snd will live on my memory for evaah 5. Well manga always but if the anime follows exactly the manga with no fillets (FMA:brotherhood) i preffer that kind of anime also anime projects like psycho pass that has no manga soo not like many you dont need to read the manga to see the full story :3 6.hmmm there are many crazy ones i guess ryu's hair in shaman king xD
Hahahaha looking back it was aweful, the voice actors were funny sounding. Though, it was uncensored, which was awesome. And I recall watching DBGT in mexico one summer when I visited my grandparents and when I came back my friends at the time thought I made it up... then it came out later. Oh and the Kanji is KamiNeko (God Cat) which is KuroNeko's alternate form (from Oreimo)
1. lol the title made me wanna click on it 2. It was dragonball and i was 8 9ish years old 3. I'd have to choose more than one, SAO, Full metal panic, Rurouni kenshin 4. That would have to be dirty pair flash, but alot of anime touched my heart! 5. I prefer to watch anime than read it, due to reading something after a while hurts eyes and gives me a headache 6. Haven't really seen that crazy enough of one to make me think that really. Or if i've seen one i dont remember! Welcome to MO @ladysweetnightmare!
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