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You like him them but they dont like you

Anyone else find themselves in a situation recently where they like someone but that person is just completely oblivious or doesn't seem to like you the same way?
Dec 09, 14 at 12:45pm
Everybody talks about the "friend-zone" I think for guys there's a sister zone. When a female friend becomes trusted you become family. I don't know of a good way out of that.
To tell you the truth been there so many times, I say fk it. What was worse is that they were together with your friend after wards. So fk that love crap.
Dec 09, 14 at 12:58pm
Well, we're talking about girls here. When a woman seems oblivious they really are locking you into a friend zone. With a guy there's at least a chance he was just not attuned enough to notice.
I hate being the "friend" to that one person I really care about. But at the same time, I really cherish my friends. And maybe even put quite a few that liked me into the "friendzone". And for that, I am sorry. I know what it feels like. Trust me.
Dec 09, 14 at 1:26pm
Yeah. That's just it. It's better to cherish your friends then have a boyfriend. Boyfriends come and go. If you really like someone beyond a crush and they trust you that could be a special relationship for life.
Yeah there has been times where i liked someone but i was seen more of a friend, not really a good experience knowing your good enough to go out with but not enough for them to go out with you
Welcome to life. It happens to everybody, some more than others.
Dec 09, 14 at 2:03pm
Yeah. I'm not going to lie. I have been weak in my life. I've had a crush on someone so bad that I could not be their friend anymore. I'd give and give and not get what I needed. The problem was me. They never intended to use me. I was the source of imbalance. All I could do is walk away and heal myself.
Dec 09, 14 at 2:12pm
Sorry to double post, but there's a second half to that. More than 15 years later I found her online again and hit it off as friends once more. All that extra that I put in didn't go away. She's still very cool and very much my friend.
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