We just met.. so why do I find myself missing you already?

akumaotl @akumaotl
We just met.. so why do I find myself missing you already?
akumaotl @akumaotl
Anybody else experience this? Someone you recently started talking too and supposedly you guys click pretty well and after that small amount of time you miss them after a couple of days. I hate admitting it because it seems weird. Idk what to think

jas @jas
commented on
We just met.. so why do I find myself missing you already?
jas @jas
Some of it is legit appreciation. Some of it is our own loneliness and our own projections of who that person is.
I dunno. I don't like that feeling.

akumaotl @akumaotl
commented on
We just met.. so why do I find myself missing you already?
akumaotl @akumaotl
Thanks bro that makes sense. I wouldn't say I hate the feeling it just seems to soon ya know. I don't want the other person to think of me as some stalker

jas @jas
commented on
We just met.. so why do I find myself missing you already?
jas @jas
Exactly. The secret is, many women will never realise the emotional energy it takes to be attentive, caring and positive. There's a real danger of being too invested. Or, even worse, the guy she uses to fill in the whole her boyfriend or soon-to-be-boyfriend is lacking.
The best thing to do is appreciate what you have now and enjoy life. Do other things. Draw, study, whatever. Channel that energy somewhere else.

ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
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We just met.. so why do I find myself missing you already?
ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
^agree with jas 1st post. I started talking to a girl on here not all that long ago and almost totally fucked things up with her recently, almost had a panic attack over it. I get too emotional sometimes. But I tend to internalize my emotions most of the time. By which I mean that I don't throw external (physical) fits or anything but I pull all that emotion into me and it can sometimes make me feel physically sick. It's rare that I get that bad because I'm usually pretty laid back, but if I do it's always over a girl and sometimes my fault and sometimes not.

Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
commented on
We just met.. so why do I find myself missing you already?
Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
No. I have never experienced this at all

Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
commented on
We just met.. so why do I find myself missing you already?
Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
Yeah once, Though she hasn't talked to me in the last few days either. Probably mostly because of school, But eh *Shrug*. Either way nothing I can do about, So stress about, I mean sure I feel a bit bad about it, But I got more things to do then to waste energy on something that could possibly not even matter.
Just find a way to use that energy some where else, Like reading books, Exercise(These are things I do but you could also write, draw ect ect)

Takkun87 @takkun87
commented on
We just met.. so why do I find myself missing you already?
Takkun87 @takkun87
Fortunately I do not know these feels. It'll take quite a lot for me get attached to somebody.

Noble Violet @nobleviolet
commented on
We just met.. so why do I find myself missing you already?
Noble Violet @nobleviolet
I do get attached quite quickly. But I keep it to myself for the most part. Unless that person gets attached as well, then I may express my feelings, but then realize it was my own desperation, and I tend to pull back and try to start over. Sometimes it works, sometimes, it don't.

Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
commented on
We just met.. so why do I find myself missing you already?
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
Lol no like seriouly thats me 100% @panda dog
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