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i personally avoid relationships o 3o

cuz there are a billion other guys after the same girl online or in rl "at work or school" i'm like... how am I suppose to compete with that?! ehh.. it's w/e tho, just do your own thing and eventually you'll attract someone that's coming from the heart. I don't like playing the game to try to win a girl's heart~ it just makes me feel like a sore loser
I've gotten into the habit of talking to the odd/quiet/nerdy type girls instead that guys aren't often interested in.
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Nov 30, 14 at 12:12am
I've been the guy who emotionally supports a girl while her boyfriend or other suitors get the attention. Sometimes that's a trap one falls into. She's not enough of a friend and you're too invested. I've also seen that geographically close or more aggressive personalities win the day over patience and appreciation. I don't have answers to these pitfalls in seeking a relationship. Finding "friends and more" is rewarding enough despite the risks above.
I really enjoy being single and it makes life easier but I suppose there will come a time where I may get married. I haven't quite found the one yet. I also think the greatest moments of dating are the first few dates and when you first make the relationships official (spend a lot of time together, no fighting, no jealousy, bullshit, etc). They just never last though, for me anyway (mostly due to mutual incompatibility). On the other hand, the not so serious stuff is all right but I'd like to be worth more than one night stand material -__- I've personally been told by some people that they envy me but I'd like to at least find someone I like, or rather love, and make it work out. I don't really like the "cheapened" experience. I've been building up my character more though, creating a personality for my empty shell. Maybe I'm just not ready for a relationship right now or I've been doing it all wrong. I do know that right now I've got better things to do with my life. If something happens, it happens. If not, well I won't be seeking a relationship that I know will end in disappointment. Saying bye bye to the single life for a while doesn't sound too appealing either. Maybe I'm weird lol. I'm on this site sure but mostly for discussions and making friends.
I avoid them by choice and not by choice!
Dec 01, 14 at 10:15am
@jas That's exactly what happened to me. I don't regret it per se, but I'm glad i put a stop to it, even if I lost one of the only friends I have here in London...
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