Do you think you can survive in a video game?
Scry @soulless_cry
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Do you think you can survive in a video game?
Scry @soulless_cry
I honestly think I would be the first to die. I'm not exactly the fittest person and If I was attacked by a monster I don't see me doing back flips or pulling out mad 'combos' haha. If I was able to learn abilities as easily as some games allow you do, like the Zelda games for example, I think I could survive a for a bit.
Although saying that, even in Zelda games you have to travel a fair amount to find these abilities and weapons soooo I'm not sure.
Arc @arc
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Do you think you can survive in a video game?
Arc @arc
I think I would die in any game I've played, because I have died at least once in every game I've ever played. Heck, I even die in visual novels.
hiryu @hiryu
commented on
Do you think you can survive in a video game?
hiryu @hiryu
If I have a choice in my stats yes if it goes based on my physical ability I am doomed unless the game is one where physical prowess means nothing.
Foxicity @foxicity
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Do you think you can survive in a video game?
Foxicity @foxicity
Would really depends on the game.
pann_am @panza
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Do you think you can survive in a video game?
pann_am @panza
Nope! I'd probably be the first one dead XD
neeto @neet_one
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Do you think you can survive in a video game?
neeto @neet_one
All depends on the game. Normally I play lots of racing games, and usually you can't die in those games, at best just mess up a car and loose a race. Even then I imagine it'd be hard to survive most of those crashes. Far as other type of games go, definitely not. If I thought my real life was on the line I'd probably be more careful, but even then I doubt I'd last long before I fall down some pit or get shot by a random sniper or eaten by some dragon or whatever. There's really few games out there I feel I could complete with no death runs, so no way is it gonna be possible in real life.
Amrod @amrodcalanor
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Do you think you can survive in a video game?
Amrod @amrodcalanor
Not in Dark Souls or Silent Hill.
I would just sit in a corner and give up lol
meijirurouni89 @meijirurouni89
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Do you think you can survive in a video game?
meijirurouni89 @meijirurouni89
Ninja gaiden. Beautiful thing about endless continues.
iamtheredsev @iamtheredsev
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Do you think you can survive in a video game?
iamtheredsev @iamtheredsev
That depends. Does the world still follow game logic? That would be the biggest factor.
Jesse 神猫 @jesus5091
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Do you think you can survive in a video game?
Jesse 神猫 @jesus5091
Hmmm... being a vocaloid looks tough... maybe...
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