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I am looking for an American girlfriend

Not exactly the best way of finding what you want. Do you want to find a woman or just an AMERICAN woman. You're better off being a bit more open if you're not. If I say I'm looking for a Japanese woman, it makes me look like I could care less about the woman and only have a fetish. I'm not saying you have a fetish, but some may take it as such. Also, good luck with finding any willing women hete. Although I'm not looking ( I'm taken), I more than realize this site is only good for making friends. Best of luck none the less.
I don't know what you think the American culture is but it's far from independent and sweet >.>
Not exactly as you think, American women just like any other women who won't obey you if you ask them to "hey can I kiss you or hug you." You need permission from them and they usually are very cold below the surface. I think married couple in Japan don't hold hand or something is a norm. What you see is the end of the honey phrase which only see each other as companion. All culture does that as passion fades quickly, think of it as eating the same food all the times make you want to puke. You living in Japan is a bonus since a lot more otaku Japanese girls, in America; they talk nothing but silly things, partying and create loud noise. They mostly aim for materialistic so don't expect any romance from them.
As a American women I feel like I should help you out a little do be careful there are some of them are really crazy, stuck up, money grabbers and just plain hateful. I don't want to discourage you at all just want to help you. Hope you find the one just for you. Also there are a lot of us women who do like a lot of love and attention.
American women around where I live are not independent or sweet... some are but there are very few.
Everyone is different. The USA is melting pot of culture. I agree that girls from the Northern USA is more fast pace and fashionably girly. Southern USA girls tend to be more outdoorsy and more slow pace and into the small stuff. But all girls are different! There is no one size fit all explanation. There ya go man, that's the best I got for ya about my american peoples
All U.S. women walk like the women in that video dance. That is a fact.
Lol look at the stereotypes fly, I didnt expect anything less.
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