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I am looking for an American girlfriend

I don't so much mean like no one is an individual, but it's more like how much contextual cues are included in communication and like how much is explicitly said with words, how relationships can be viewed. http://www.culture-at-work.com/highlow.html might be a better explanation, since I'm not exactly an anthropologist, hahaha EDIT - http://www2.pacific.edu/sis/culture/pub/Context_Cultures_High_and_Lo.htm This site actually has more of a breakdown
Well, in any case. It's something to consider in a general sense no matter what culture you're from since no one knows how the other person might be hahaha
Well I'm Indonesian XD But I wish the best of luck to find your dream girl my fellow otaku friend ^^
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As an "American girl" well I had a Caribbean up bringing. It really depends on the girl everyone is different.
dude tatsuro why would you want an american girl friend when you live in japan (which is filled with a bunch of cute girls)...not that are girls aren't cute
I don't really care where I live or will live. What matter is being with someone in the future. I am attracted by American women because of the way they talk and express that Japanese women don't have. So I don't really care about looks, It might sounds lie though..of course if she is beautiful, that is great hehe. Well Actually I had someone who is an American from Kentucky but Ive never met her in person. I don't know if I can say it was really a relationship but I had communicated with her for 10 months or so but it is already over. I don't wanna write here about what happened to me coz You know it is kind of personal thing and I still talk to her on skype and facebook.
yeah man i understand lol i guess american women do express their selves a certain way but im not sure that all japanese women act that way i have met some that act the same or even better...but hey thats just my opinion
yes some of them are like that I guess. Anyway thank you for comment.
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