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Lewd Super Rainbow @warriorcats77
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Lewd Super Rainbow @warriorcats77
Oh that sucks xD I just beat The Last of Us and beat it on grounded difficulty e.e It was really hard since it was my first time playing, there were many parts I had to do over 50-100 times, it was ridiculous 8D

Yellow Otaku @yellowotaku
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Yellow Otaku @yellowotaku
How are you?

Lewd Super Rainbow @warriorcats77
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Lewd Super Rainbow @warriorcats77
I'm going great also xD Tired though and I got a calculus test Friday, and 8 math assignments I waited to do, I don't think Ill do them tonight, so I have 8 to do tomorrow night 8D Whatcha up to?
Hi!! <3 c:

odalis @odalis
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Hi!! <3 c:
odalis @odalis
welcome ^•^
Add me! ^•^

odalis @odalis
Add me! ^•^
odalis @odalis
I'd love to make new friends so add me c: