Would you date an unexperienced?

maukun @maukun
Would you date an unexperienced?
maukun @maukun
Or does it depend on his/her age?
You know, old doesn't always mean experienced, right?

(Haru~) @koro_kizama
commented on
Would you date an unexperienced?
(Haru~) @koro_kizama
Well im 22 an still a virgin, but I would date another virgin mostly because it would be both our first ya know

flclfan85 @flclfan85
commented on
Would you date an unexperienced?
flclfan85 @flclfan85
yes, because that doesn't matter to me at all

Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
commented on
Would you date an unexperienced?
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
what if the unexperienced person knew what they were doing like they were a porn star in the past life

Yu @metaljester
commented on
Would you date an unexperienced?
Yu @metaljester
It really depends on the person who you are interested in some people like ones without much experience because it gives them a form of quirkiness and shyness at it they dont mind sometimes.
The question is are you playing the role of the chesire cat her or are you more like tom from tom and jerry.

seraph714 @seraph714
commented on
Would you date an unexperienced?
seraph714 @seraph714
Being inexperienced isn't a bad thing, so yes, I would date an inexperienced person.

Amrod @amrodcalanor
commented on
Would you date an unexperienced?
Amrod @amrodcalanor

yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
Would you date an unexperienced?
yaasshat @yaasshat
This again? Really? Man, just fake that confidence since you seem to vomit out insecurity... I don't care how "experienced " you think you are or aren't , every new relationship is....NEW. You've never dated this person and they've never dated you. It's like asking if men r women like virgins ...Every time it's your first itme doing anything with anyone , it's still yours and their first time doing whatever together ... There is no rule book for how thimgs work eundr every circumstance , just use a little common sense , we all (well,...Most, I assume .) at least should ahve a little bit of that....Just don't be a social retard and you'll be fine.

Rain @rainx
commented on
Would you date an unexperienced?
Rain @rainx
It wouldn't be a deal breaker for me unless it was under the circumstances they were waiting until marriage. More power to you if those are your beliefs. Not saying I need to hop in bed on the first date, but at some point after a few months if we're really into each other, somethings gotta happen.

aschthebloody @aschthebloody
commented on
Would you date an unexperienced?
aschthebloody @aschthebloody
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