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Long Distance Relationship

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It work only you actually meet each other at some point. If not meeting for a while, I suggest you find someone close to you since women youth end quicker than men. A drama that I watched said that but you can give it a try but don't have high hope for it.
Honestly if you are financially stable you can make it work. Seeing each other on holiday and what not till you can actually commit to one location and someone moves to the others place. However the only hard part is communication between meets. Establishing trust and feelings for one another.
I'm currently in a LDR. I live in FL and she's in NY. We meet every month and have been together for almost a year. In my opinion, LDR is very hard in certain situations. If you have trust issues, DO NOT do LDR. It will end in a huge mess of drama. Me and her are currently engaged and plan on getting married in a few years. If the person is worth fighting for, then go for it! Feel free to add me! I don't bite! ~Ginko~
i cant handle ldr its not really like i cant trust people cause i trust people until they give me a reason not to trust them..but idk i like having someone i can actually meet up with anytime not having to wait months before i see them again
Naito-Kun, I feel the same way! It's hard for me not to meet the person everyday or any time I like. Plus when we can't text or email it's hard to know if it's real or not. Plus for LDR since if you meet online, even if you see pics and they see pics of you, my self-conscious levels are really low so I keep thinking maybe when we meet they'll completely lose interest. @Vampire_neko you are very right, it does matter on that too. At least your blunt about it, most aren't that way.
@crystaltenshi823 yes i know what you mean im the same way about that stuff too
I've done an LDR. In Fact until I split with my ex of 8 years, we did 3 years LDR at the end. It doesn't work if you can't visit each other. It doesn't work if you have other issues. I don't mind having them, I do mind not seeing my lover for more often than not. You at least need visits. Also I don't agree it's a proper relationship until you have actually physically met each other. Of course if you like someone and plan to meet that doesn't mean you don't treat it like one. It's just very complicated and often both parties end up hurting unless there is some sort of ultimate plan to be together on a more permanent bases.
If this site didnt exist, i would be very lonely.
LDR's can be very exhausting as well, especially for those who are more opt to have them. I know for my job being in the military, I'd have to have someone that's willing to have one at times since not deploying more often than not is not an option. It can be really stressful on both ends if both have jobs like that, or even if one just has an excruciating job that requires them to be gone long periods of time.
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