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Nervous Habits?

Do you have any little awkward habits that come out when you're nervous? I rub my eyes and im not sure why. Its even worse when I forget that im wearing makeup and smear it.
Aug 21, 14 at 3:43pm
Really, wow. The only thing I can think of is shaking my right leg when I get extremely nerves.
Aug 21, 14 at 5:00pm
I tend to be over analytical, so nerves come with the territory. Really, I have different habits depending on what's making me nervous. Everything from yawning to be coming even more antisocial/easily agitated.
For me, it's stuff with my hands. I'll grab something and start playing with it, but I won't look at the object. I'll look at whomever is talking to me only I will be fiddling with whatever is in my hands. This is dangerous in some situations, though! lol
I pick at my skin. I used to scratch the skin off my face, I don't do it very much anymore except in extremely stressful situations. I still pick at the skin around my nails and don't stop until I've gotten the piece of skin I was focused on getting, even if I bleed. My fingers will puff up and I'll still pick. I know the dangers that come from doing it, but even so, the feeling of sin around my fingers bugs me and when I'm really anxious, it *must* come off
Aug 26, 14 at 7:57am
When I'm real pressured I'll grind my teeth. It only started not too long ago and I'll stop as soon as I notice I'm doing it, but it just sneaks up on my unconsciously on any given day when I'm using all my focus.
Aug 27, 14 at 9:18pm
Like Joseph I start shaking my leg, then both legs lol. If Im extremely nervous or stressed I start blinking alot. Barely ever happens but when it does it lasts for a loooonnggg time :l
When I get lots of attention, I clench my hands together and cover my crotch for some odd reason. e_e
If I get nervous or stressed I kinda stutter out words and correct myself, or if I'm caught off guard I tend to do what goku did and place my hand on the back of my head and laugh.
Oh my gosh, I get so nervous all the time. I will start rambling or stuttering or smiling...I think it's a defense mechanism. Ah, I suppose if I'm smiling it doesn't necessarily mean I'm not happy either...I must be so confusing to others. orz
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