For people who cosplay

sapphireyes @sapphireyes
For people who cosplay
sapphireyes @sapphireyes
Hey guys I'm a big cosplay guy I just got all my outfits I'm doing for otakon doing two maybe three for otakon but anyway I wanted to see who else on here likes to cosplay? How many cosplays do you have? whats your favorite cosplay? what was your first cosplay? What's the most you have spent on a cosplay? And I guess what cons are you guys going to and are you cosplaying, and if so as who? Also if anyone is going to otakon this year I'll be there so keep an eye out and say hi if you want XD

ElderEmoJen @missallyesterday
commented on
For people who cosplay
ElderEmoJen @missallyesterday
I have 2 cosplays so far. I started doing cosplay last year. :P
My first cosplay was Bepo. He costed... about $80. The kigurumi was $65 and the wig was $15 (white hair). He was expensive, but easy!
Sabo would be the most expensive if I didn't have a lot of the components already and also use things like Craigslist to my advantage. :P The wig was $8, the hat was $8, the liquid latex $4, the material for the jabot $4, paints $7, pipe FREE (Thank you craigslist!), saw (to cut the pipe) $1.19, pipe fitting $2.19, goggles $4, brushes to apply paint and makeup $2.60, sandpaper $1.10, leather gloves $4, ribbon $.50, tan leggings $8, bobby pins $.98, foam curlers $4.19... I had the boots, shirt, peacoat, makeup, and skirt (cause genderbent) which would have costed a couple hundred. So, he may have costed $59 but he had the most work involved and was an interesting introduction to mostly self-made costumes.
I have always cosplayed at Anime Conji and I'm going to cosplay at AX tomorrow as Sabo. :) I'm a bit shy about cosplaying, but since I made Sabo I might as well show off. I won't be attending Otakon this year but hopefully soon so I can see my east coast One Piece cosplay buddies.
(and my capcha is DECAF!! lol)

Animekid @animekid
commented on
For people who cosplay
Animekid @animekid
Hm 3 cosplays kind of. My favorite is either Abraham Lincoln vampire slayer or Fai from Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles. My first cosplay was of Doctor Who, David Tennant version. The most time I've spent on a cosplay? Hm, a lot lol. Over 48 hours maybe? That was just on the staff prop alone lol thank goodness the prop was all I tried making XD I'm going to Dragon Con and AWA.

sapphireyes @sapphireyes
commented on
For people who cosplay
sapphireyes @sapphireyes
I didn't think of going on craigslist for cosplay -_- lol. The cosplays I'm doing for otakon are richard from tales of graces, shen from league of legends, and maybe if my friend is dong hers kirito from sword art online. I have about 15 cosplays XD taking up room but I love them so much. My favorite cosplay I own is my hades from saint seiya that is also my most expensive lets just say he was a lot XD. I get my cosplays from or this guy I know who hands make them himself and is really good at it.

ElderEmoJen @missallyesterday
commented on
For people who cosplay
ElderEmoJen @missallyesterday
Ah, well! Going to craigslist for a cosplay... I've seen people post cosplays... But, that's not what I do. I also don't buy from, or any of those places. I've only bought my kigurumi online through a store in Japan. :P
I use craigslist for materials and prop-making type stuff. The rest I go on over to the thrift stores, browse, go "This looks like it would work for _________." and then either modify it, or just use it as it is for a cosplay. IF I can't find it anywhere, I just sew it myself.
I definitely encourage people to try to make their own stuff. People can see the effort you make.
Also, here is the results for cosplay on the craigslist in my city! lol We've got a lot of geeks in this city. I took a look after you said "I didn't think of going on craigslist for cosplay -_- lol."

sapphireyes @sapphireyes
commented on
For people who cosplay
sapphireyes @sapphireyes
See I don't have the time to make my own I got two jobs and school etc so it's kinda hard I'm lucky enough to get off 5 days for otakon from everything. I wouldn't even know where to start, if I did start making my own and I'm sure the first ones I would try to make would look like shit lol. People that make there own cosplays are awesome but to me it seems like a skill/talent and if you want someone to use that skill for you then you pay so all my cosplays are made from someone else sadly but they are still my babies

ElderEmoJen @missallyesterday
commented on
For people who cosplay
ElderEmoJen @missallyesterday
I go to school and work for the military, more recently full time. So, I can definitely understand the time issues. It took up all my free time to make one cosplay for a few weeks. Well, it's cool if you can't make your own. It's about having fun, really. :)

LEN KAGAMINE @avalution
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For people who cosplay
LEN KAGAMINE @avalution
making by hand is always a challenge but it feels good when you finish it, if i may recomend cosplay house there you can both buy cosplay and or materials for the cosplays many of mine are like 50-60% hand made

orange_jess @orange_jess
commented on
For people who cosplay
orange_jess @orange_jess
Im trying to make sayaka miki from scratch but im a total beginner so im giving myself a headache... But im getting there! And its fun! :D also want to do leefa, already got the wig!

haseo1993 @haseo1993
commented on
For people who cosplay
haseo1993 @haseo1993
My first cosplay was Krauser from Detroit Metal City. It was...completely awful. I'm starting to make my own cosplays, the Minato cosplay in my profile picture is completely homemade except for the wig with my grandma's help, and I'm planning on making a Vile from Mega Man X cosplay completely by myself.
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