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WHAT do I do?!?!?!

Okie so I guess my main question is... HOW DO I STOP BEING SO NOSY? My bf told me he wanted to tell me something but then he said he wasn't sure if he should. And being me I was like "OOOOOOOOH What is it? You can tell me I won't judge! Pleaseeeeee tell me!" And so basically he asked the question. (Im not saying what it is) But basically I didnt care much for the question but I didnt mind it being asked. But then he was saying that he wanted to take it back and forget that he ever said that. And now he thinks he screwed things up and made it awkward, and now all he does is apologize or act depressed. And Im kinda the same way around him. WHAT DO I DO? How do I convince him its not his fault and make him feel better?
Jun 28, 14 at 11:02pm
just always reassure him its ok with a big smile and a hug :) im sure hell find that you dont mind/forgive him :) it just takes time.
just like best said just reassure him that it didnt bother you that much and if your honest with him about it there shouldnt be any problem. ^_^
Jul 05, 14 at 11:05pm
Wow, I literally had the same kind of conversation with a girl where I was about to tell her something perverted, but got so embarrassed about it. Just tell him that it doesn't change your opinion about him. Boys that age are just really perverted and it's a normal thing. The important thing is to just encourage him to be open to you. Then you two will be able to get closer.
All you can do is be honest and let him know that you don't mind him asking and if you aren't comfortable or agreeable with something let him know but reassure him it's OK to ask. If it's like something sexual that you aren't comfortable with than maybe suggest an alternative or something different you would like. Everyone is different in what they like or don't like.
Be honest with him on why you're nosy. I'm nosy too but my girlfriend understands. She let's me go through everything she has. If it pisses him off, he could be hiding something. Be weary. Good luck! Feel free to add me! I don't bite! ~Ginko~
If he feels that what he did is wrong and won't listen to reassurance, ask him why. Sit and listen to him, it was hard for him to ask in the first place and the fact that you didn't like the question probably made him shut down from what happen and what might later be said. He's vulnerable right now and you being distant isn't helping the situation. Share something personal with him so there's equal grounds between you two. Whether you feel depressed or not, you're the one with the power and you need to be on the same level as him. You two need to have open communication, understanding, and trust, and the fact that he's shutting down and regretting his question is showing that something is lacking i your relationship. Use what happened to build your bond back up
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