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Sesshoth @sesshoth
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Sesshoth @sesshoth

e_bon @e_bon
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e_bon @e_bon
Have you started work in the animation industry yet?

moontaz96 @moontaz96
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moontaz96 @moontaz96
how are you
wonder if you are still active
What's the worse job you ever had?

supernovagirl08 @supernovagirl08
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What's the worse job you ever had?
supernovagirl08 @supernovagirl08
i think the worst worst"work" iv ever had to do is a cross between being tricked as a child to pick rocks/weeds out of four f***ing acres of field and being forced by my baptist privet school to go door to door to stout well known catholic believers to try and "convert" the "poor way word souls" shakes head it always pissed me off that they purposely used and made the kids go door to door to these poor people and listen to some bs sh-peal about how they needed to be saved because MOST decent people wouldn't slam the door in a child's face.(although by that point most of the people where being harassed so much that they WHERE seaming doors as well as teaching me some very creative cuss words. fortunantly i only had to deal with them for 3 years before my parents finally came to their senses)i found that as for actuall jobs? none of the work itself was bad (mostly boring) it was the people i worked for or customers that made my life hell .
Post your Nudes Thread~!

supernovagirl08 @supernovagirl08
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Post your Nudes Thread~!
supernovagirl08 @supernovagirl08
lmfao thats brilliant wall