So does anyone on here actually use the "dating" aspect?

Forneus @forneus
So does anyone on here actually use the "dating" aspect?
Forneus @forneus
As the title states, Who actually uses the "dating" ratio based on anime and conventions? Does it work, I don't think similar anime means compatible (my opinion). Can you attest to it's validity? What are some stories, some conversations, and how the hell do you try to "Date" via computer, especially without looking creepy when first messaging someone. I'm not too keen on the idea of "hey friend me" "Hello my name ________ nice to meet you". They are simple but none of them imply to actually try getting to know someone. I guess I'm just in a ranting mood and bored, so (Who, What, When, How, Why) I don't know get creative with responses. I suppose the biggest question would be how do you try and even "date" get to know or just talk to someone, when another 100+ guys and or girls are talking to the same person doing the exact same thing?

Buji @buji
commented on
So does anyone on here actually use the "dating" aspect?
Buji @buji
The system needs major work. So does the site in general though.
Best bet would be post around and get to know people on the forum

Lamby @momoichi
commented on
So does anyone on here actually use the "dating" aspect?
Lamby @momoichi
most people come here for a date and leave with friends. distance seems to be a big issue in this too (least for me)

hellquest @hellquest
commented on
So does anyone on here actually use the "dating" aspect?
hellquest @hellquest
i met a girl on a different site just like this, we dated for 5 years before we broke up.

Buji @buji
commented on
So does anyone on here actually use the "dating" aspect?
Buji @buji
there are some people on here who actually got together though

Arc @arc
commented on
So does anyone on here actually use the "dating" aspect?
Arc @arc

Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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So does anyone on here actually use the "dating" aspect?
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
This account has been suspended.

ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
commented on
So does anyone on here actually use the "dating" aspect?
ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
I'll move anywhere for the right girl. But I haven't found anyone recently who wants to be more than friends.

Buji @buji
commented on
So does anyone on here actually use the "dating" aspect?
Buji @buji
^ Agreed. If I'm positive the person is right, I'm willing to move.
However, life isn't that easy and financial issues tend to slap people in the face.
But I will do whatever I can to visit as often as I can, and save up.

Yu @metaljester
commented on
So does anyone on here actually use the "dating" aspect?
Yu @metaljester
I would move long distance to see somebody if that was necessary as long as I knew they were in that with me. It may take me awhile but I would get the funds up. Besides that I like to go around areas so getting adjusted to a new place would be fine as long as it has certain things.
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