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Is weight an issue?

weight is an issue...my weight not anyone elses. makes me feel like no one will like me
Oct 14, 15 at 7:00pm
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Oct 14, 15 at 7:03pm
Trust me there are a lot of me who wil like you for you, no matter how you look! ( you look pretty btw :3) don't be so hard on yourself.
Oct 14, 15 at 8:51pm
Weight... well I am trying to loss weight. I go biking a lot and I think I'm going to start walking in the morning again. um what was the question oh yeah about dating or something. In that aspect I never thought about weight effecting the relationship. Since there is something about beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
I prefer slim and fit women, but I wouldn't want a woman who has no meat on her, whereas I am not near that (I have a lot of fat to burn off). That said, I am not a hypocrite. I am strange in that it is my belief that I will not find my "one" until I myself am slim and muscular. I have only told my mom and my twin bro. My bro was just like "cool, okay." And my mother misinterpreted, thinking I meant I wouldn't have the self-confidence to get a girlfriend until then.
I'm chubby so i don't mind xD so long as i get on well with them i don't mind
Oct 19, 15 at 4:33pm
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I'm a bit chubby and weight is not an issue to me unless they are getting to where they're really unhealthy. That's when I'll be concerned because I wouldn't want them to suffer from health problems. I would be really sad.
i am curvy. i am not a lazy person. and i prefer a guy that is healthy and can do physical activities with me. as long as he makes me happy i dont care what he weighs.
Not if you are able to fight it :3
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