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ZombieKill55 @zk55
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ZombieKill55 @zk55
Hioo :P

cnr @cnr
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cnr @cnr
Hello miss Yaoifangirl, how are you? I'm new to this site and looking to make friends and talk with people of similar interests (ideally other people who live in the UK) so if you would like to chat I welcome any reply. Thanks =)

EpicYaoiFangirl @epicyaoifangirl
EpicYaoiFangirl @epicyaoifangirl
if someone told me 3 years ago that id be severly depressed in a few years id have laughed at them, can i have my happiness back please? i really need to get diagnosed...i just hate talking in person about it

Lead Dickhead. @hikki758 I'd probably belive then if i was told that. I hate having to pay a lot for therapy.

EpicYaoiFangirl @epicyaoifangirl yeh :/

Lead Dickhead. @hikki758 Ello.
Why Did You Join MaiOtaku?

EpicYaoiFangirl @epicyaoifangirl
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Why Did You Join MaiOtaku?
EpicYaoiFangirl @epicyaoifangirl
new here lol, the reason i joined MaiOtaku is because i am lonely and i dont want to sit in

EpicYaoiFangirl @epicyaoifangirl
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EpicYaoiFangirl @epicyaoifangirl
also this is a drawing of mine too, im not so good at drawing guys
Oct 10-13
Jun 14
Apr 4