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Cosplaying and Overweight

I will speak for myself... If someone cosplayed Ace, or Law, and they were not the same physique as either of the two I would not be mortified, angry, or annoyed. I'd be kind to them, because they made an effort to cosplay a character I love! I sometimes poke fun, I once met a hairy Luffy, I joked "Luffy you finally hit puberty!" So they don't look like I'd envision! They took the time, effort, money, and courage to go out there and cosplay! You don't have to appreciate them, you sure as hell don't have to like it, but as an adult, at least be respectful! As for people being mortified at their favorite character being cosplayed below their expectations... Give them a chair, a glass of water, and a fucking box of tissues. They need to grow the fuck up... I have no sympathy for that sort of crap. Life sucks, things are going to not meet your expectations sometimes, if a cosplay is going to mortify a person then I wonder how they could survive in the real world.
You know what I'll admit I use to laugh at Demotivational pics of overweight people cosplaying but after going to Cosplacon this year I've got a different outlook on it. I saw several people that were on the big side that still pulled off some very nice cosplay. There was one really large guy who pulled off a very well done Gutsman from the Megaman series. I saw several "Poison Ivy" cosplays that while yes some of the women were over weight they still pulled it off nicely. I think really its about picking something to cosplay as that plays to your strengths. Don't worry about your weight not everyone is a model but if the outfit is well done people are not going to pay so much attention to you being big for the role.
Those are good points missallyesterday. It's crazy to think someone could be upset by someone else doing a cosplay they didn't appreciate for any reason. Putting like or dislike aside, actually being upset by it can't be healthy. Cosplay is all in good fun, and even if someone intentionally makes an ass of your favorite character why wouldn't you laugh it off right along with them? Someone could dress up as a giant dildo wearing Goku's uniform and my childhood wouldn't be ruined by it. It'd be freakin hilarious if it actually vibrated. Seriously someone do it! But really, the quality of the cosplay is what grabs my attention. Who has the right face or the right height or the right build to look exactly like anime characters? Frankly, they tend to be too perfect to be realistic. That doesn't make it any less cool though, especially when cosplayers get creative and do things like crossplay or take artistic liberties to make it look right (like well-placed makeup). Look at Armstrong from FMA. Who could really pull off the perfect realistic Armstrong? Maybe Ronnie Coleman, if he were white and a foot and a half taller. That doesn't mean no one should cosplay Armstrong though. If you're a 5'5 90 lb man and want to cosplay as Armstrong, don't let anyone tell you not to! The opposite is true too. If you're 7ft tall and 400 lbs, that shouldn't stop you from cosplaying as Aladdin from Magi if you really want to. Just put a little time and care into your outfit, and it's all good. There's always those that will complain, but it's not like you're trying to impress them anyways so they don't matter.
I look at it now as just expressing an interest in something that makes you happy. Weight shouldn't be an issue - we should all love and support one another.
Although I must agree with the usual commentary that cosplay is for everyone, I will admit I would much rather see a slim cosplayer to one heavily overweight. I know personally, I would be devastated if someone were to point out my being overweight while in cosplay. The way I see it, if you're comfortable enough to it, then you should rock it!
Meh... I was called a walrus and it didn't bother me. I did get bothered by getting stopped every couple of minutes for pictures. I have however lost around fifty pounds since then. Still a little fluffy and Still don't care.:P
Jun 20, 14 at 4:25pm
I don't know about this, to be honest. On one hand; to each his own, if it makes them happy they should do it, but on the other hand; if a fat guy tried to cosplay Slenderman, I mean, he wouldn't be doing a very good job. I guess I'm more of a supporter of the first hand.
But... fat Slender man is a thing: http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/284/6/a/fat_slender_man____by_mrschanchara-d5hh7gb.png
Jun 20, 14 at 4:41pm
Hahaha! Oh gods, that's just great! Well, the other hand can go fist itself then; fat people can cosplay Slenderman perfectly <3
Well I'll be going to Anime Expo this year but I'm not going to go cosplaying. I'm going to go in a fashion called Lolita. Which is for everyone it isn't weight restricted or something so I'll just be a cute marshemellow lolita~ <3 Maybe next year I'll cosplay..Lol.
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