The best way to approach an Otaku

xRukix @xrukix
The best way to approach an Otaku
xRukix @xrukix
What is your way to approach someone you find aesthetically pleasing and/or mental sound to your measure of attractiveness? I know it can be as easy "Hey baby, you and me's goin on a date thats final." or "What's goin on?" but how do you feel you should do it? How would you like to be approached?

ElderEmoJen @missallyesterday
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The best way to approach an Otaku
ElderEmoJen @missallyesterday
I'd like to be approached like a normal human being. You would walk up to me for instance, and say, "Hi, how's it going?" I would look at you, possibly question why some random stranger approached me so friendly and speculate if you are some sort of salesperson, but, I would still respond in kind, likely saying, "Hi, I'm doing great. How are you?" If you respond like a normal human being, then you should have nothing to worry about.
I try to be a generally understanding, reasonable, and mostly rational human being. If you completely offend me you will probably hear a less pleasant and less rational response from me. But, another reasonable human being wouldn't do anything offensive if they were trying to make a good first impression.

redheadwriter @redheadwriter
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The best way to approach an Otaku
redheadwriter @redheadwriter
Agreed. Treat otaku like you would anybody else. Smile, be friendly, make some small talk, et cetera.

Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
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The best way to approach an Otaku
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
Glomptackle them in the middle of a huge gathering of people, because otaku are very sociable and well liked people in normal society, and start screaming at them like a fan girl because they are wearing a naruto shirt.
Totally the best and non awkward way to approach any otaku.

xRukix @xrukix
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The best way to approach an Otaku
xRukix @xrukix
Glad I asked because most of the time I meet one they are as Jikokun described. Maybe not as extreme but there is a lot of excitement and loud voicing and hugging. I'm a pretty calm and collected person and don't get too excited about things but Jikokun knows what he's saying.

Arc @arc
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The best way to approach an Otaku
Arc @arc
As for what Jikokun said, if you get the feeling that they are sociable, spaz out when you see them. Most otaku girls seem to love outgoing, animated guys- pun intended.
As for me, just slap me on the ass and say hi. I like surprise attacks.

♥ ½ M @fudozen
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The best way to approach an Otaku
♥ ½ M @fudozen
I typically just say hello and start a conversation,from there its about getting to know them. As For someone approaching me like red said be friendly and talk to me lol. Or win me over with cotton candy and other promises of sweets.

Haruu @haruu
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The best way to approach an Otaku
Haruu @haruu
If it's at a con and I have no idea how to get close to them.. Hmm. @__@ Follow them into until they go into line and make sure you're right behind them? XD Lolol.. Creeppy, but you know, you have to do something. Pretend to need help and politely tap their shoulders and ask them for more info about the map or something would probably be my way to go about things. Then from there try to make small chat since everyone is pretty friendly at cons. c: Later, if I really like their personality and if they're polite then I might go further and ask for their number or something along those lines. :3

xRukix @xrukix
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The best way to approach an Otaku
xRukix @xrukix
You're all a bunch of stalker/freaks. I like your style.

Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
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The best way to approach an Otaku
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
Follow the person you want to talk to into the rave, then midway through, Grab their ass and be like oops, was an accident. Then start dancing with her. Take her back to your hotel and get jiggy with it.
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