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Do "looks" matter to you?

Feb 09, 14 at 6:20pm
This thread has become active again? Guess i'll thrown in my post finally. ~ Looks don't really matter much to me at all. It's all about personality for me. ^_^ But they have to be clean, take care of themself, and look human obviously. I had an extremely bad experience though with a girl who had really really short hair, like one of those butch lesbo haircuts, so I won't go near someone on a romantic level with that kinda hair... >_>
Feb 09, 14 at 7:21pm
Looks matter to everyone. It is a matter of percentage. For me I would say approx: 25%. If a woman has too much make up IN view is as unattractive. I can't stand red lipstick. I don't care at all about make up though. I like the natural look. Many girls I found very attractive normally view themselves as ugly. I don't know why that is, but a wild guess I can take is the Media glamorizes one look and shuns the other. This being a size 0 and shunning chubby yet very attractive women. What I'm getting at is looks matter, just not as much for me. Nor is it a priority in finding a mate. What nii said is true. A woman/man can be the hottest person on the planet, but what really makes a person ugly is if their personality is that of a bitch/asshole despite how good theylook. Personally, I fall for a kind person. And I make them feel like the most beautiful person on the planet. Because to me they will be.
lol of course it does, if it dint, it would be soo easy
I don't judge people based on their looks. People judged me enough for liking anime before our was the cool thing, So why judge someone because they like makeup. Now of course if they have a shitty personality, or we don't mesh, then yeah. . See you later.
Feb 09, 14 at 10:57pm
A year ago we had a thread with this same name. I guess it went away. the people who have been saying looks do matter, to the extent that you have to be attracted to your partner, are correct.
Feb 09, 14 at 11:15pm
In short, we all have our own personal preference. We can't judge anyone over that or what they wear or what they put on their face. The only thing I can't stand is red red lipstick lol.
This may sound shallow, but yes, I feel appearance is important. To certain degrees such as hygiene for one. I don't think I would want to get with anyone who looks like they haven't showered in a couple of days. I do care about weight in a way. I've recently been dieting and I'm just not attracted to anyone that would be overweight. Even if someone had all the qualities on the inside, if I didn't like the outside, well it would be hard to see past that. Okay...yes, I realize this sounds extremely shallow, but it is the truth.
Feb 09, 14 at 11:42pm
Shallow? nope. Natural yes. Society conditions us and raises us into trying to be politically correct all the time and to walk around a minefield. But in a matter as important as finding someone to spend the rest of your life with, attraction and satisfaction are extremely important.
My only standards on physical appearances is that they brush their teeth, don't smell like a rotting cadaver,and can not braid thier arm pit hair.
I'm 6'7, so I hope to meet someone in the 5'8 range but that's just wishful thinking. When it comes down to it a natural cute appearance and great personality does the trick for me. Also I find myself agreeing to a lot of the posts above, great discussion topic.
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