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kitkat19 @kitkat19
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kitkat19 @kitkat19
that is so adorable X3

axel_ayumi @axel_ayumi
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axel_ayumi @axel_ayumi
will do :)

kitkat19 @kitkat19
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kitkat19 @kitkat19
hehe that is so freakin cool
hello everyone n.n

Raziel @raziel
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hello everyone n.n
Raziel @raziel
Hello there. Welcome.
Otaku 20Q Valentines Application

Raziel @raziel
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Otaku 20Q Valentines Application
Raziel @raziel
1)What was the first thing you did when you woke up ?
I got to a job interview for Construction Labor which I got today. Woo
2)do you like calling or texting someone?
I prefer texting. I get a bit nervous at talking, but only if I'm not used to the person.
3) Out of all the amazing genres of movies and anime what is your (i will watch right now) favorite?
Samurai Based Plot. Blood and Gore. Something like Afro Samurai OR Samurai Champloo.
4)favorite drink alch/non ? Pepsi bitch. And tea cause I'm a gentlemen.
5)Favorite color ? Black even though its not represented as a color.
6)whats the funniest thing you can think of at this very moment?
Lil Wayne
7) do you like sushi ?
Fuck yes. Dragon Roll Please!
8) Do you play video games, and if so how competetive are you ?
Elite Class. I been playing all my life from Sega Gen to this Gen gaming. My friends usually tell me I am better at their games than them. I been told that recently playing Dark Souls. I RECOMMEND THAT GAME FOR HARDCORE RPG PLAYERS. You think you know hard games? Bitch, get Dark Souls and it will shatter your pride. Fuck Flappy Bird! Dark Souls will rape you. Lol
9) if your current best friend were to describe you in one word what would it be?
"He's pretty Chill" so CHILL
10) a significant other should ?
Aside from the obvious things such as loyalty a significant other should be understanding.
11) are you crazy at times ? At times? I would say so. Mostly chill.
12) what is the first word you can think of that is not in english? Reska di pache *HiddenBladeToChest*
13) have any idea of what okonomiyaki is ? No, can you eat it? Ot sounds like you can eat it. It sounds delicious as fuck.
14) whats something you can never give up? My self respect.
15) What is a perfect moment for you ? Depends. Whether it be alone or with someone. I have so many perfect moments.
16) whats your level of politicalness? Theorist. Followed by hard facts. I would rather not get into that on here. I can be persistant for hours on end...
17) whats your biggest fear? Fall of humanity. Not in an extinction sort of way, but in a brainless selfish egotistical loss of an individuals humanity. Social interactions no longer apply. Albert Einstein feared what is going on today in the world. If it progresses.... we are all doomed.
18) fame or fortune ? Fortune. To help out my community and people starving.
19) whats your favorite type of music?
Favorite? Hahahahaha Music is life baby.
20) do you have a crush ?