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Dec 17, 13 at 9:15pm
I'm glad you enjoy acting like a douche bag. Have fun going through life with the mentality and attitude you have, it won't get you much. You have proved to a tee what you have stated: you will never change, no matter what I say. Saying that I am acting like a child is ridiculous. Calling me a mongrel is ridiculous. You know what? I don't care, though, because you have proved to everyone what kind of person you are and if they took the things you said of me as true, I obviously shouldn't care what they have to say. And this isn't me getting the last word in. I could care less if I did. Go ahead, post something after this to get the last word, I won't post again. There is obviously no point. I just wanted to make clear what I had to say.
Dec 17, 13 at 9:23pm
If I'm going to watch a fight, I like a fight on equal footing. With equal passion for the topic on both sides. Not a spurning of children to defend the defenseless. And I use children as an objective term as is refrenced in earlier debate.
daaaaamn, i gotta admit alexis has a point, but there's just some people out there with nasty attitudes that always have to be right ;)
Dec 19, 13 at 4:32am
The only thing I find pathetic is you. There's a fine line between calling attention to something and plain out calling people out. I find it pathetic that you take your time to come on here and ridicule people like this, your nothing but a troll. You think your mature and funny that you "bait" people into arguing with you, when it's just a desperate call for attention. In my opinion that's what immaturity truly is. I'm not going to lecture you on how I think your attitude is wrong because I have no right to say such things. I only pity that you choose to lead your life in such a way. Just my two cents :)
Dec 19, 13 at 10:34am
I enjoyed this thread. Wish it was a bit more intellectually stimulating though. Went off on a shallow tangent.
kidpool @kidpool commented on Pathetic
Dec 19, 13 at 11:27am
People what the hell
Dec 19, 13 at 11:49am
I read like 3 random posts total on this thread to save myself the brain cells but all I gotta say is people THE STRUGGLE IS REAL MOTHAFUCKAHS! Lols. Imo let people be especially in this kind of community its better to be supportive as opposed to calling them out on it, sure everyone's gotta get some exp and LV up eventually but its not something you can obviously rush. Ranting about it in forums is no different from the ones that make the topics you complain about. I'll edit this post after work and put in a video I think you all will enjoy :p
god damn it I love trolls. And I love the fact that everyone is taking this so seriously. Dis shit cray. Yes, I enjoy playing devil's advocate simply because it's different. If everyone is going left, I'm going to at least peak at the right, and if it intrigues me, I'm going. So if that makes me a douche bag, asshole, abrasive (in any dictionary), then so be it. I haz no probz givin you da buiznez, Dear god this was fun
Dec 19, 13 at 12:30pm
Slow hour so I can do it now!!!!!!!! http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MSrTnWDTdwI http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MSrTnWDTdwI http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MSrTnWDTdwI http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MSrTnWDTdwI http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MSrTnWDTdwI its all the same video~ Vine song!
Dec 19, 13 at 11:38pm
-tips fedora-
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